museum of london

Museums of london

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Срочно нужна ин-фа по музею Лондона. "Museum of London". желательно на английском. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Puma[гуру]
museum of london
The Museum of London is one of the largest urban history museums in the world, with over two million objects in its collection.
Museum of London opened in the City of London in 1976 to inspire a love of London in all who live, work or visit this great capital city.
Museum of London is one of the world's largest urban history museums and cares for over two million objects in its collection, and also holds the largest archaeological archive in Europe. It's a chronological museum journey starting from prehistoric times, moving through Roman and Medieval London galleries, and reaching the Great Fire of London in 1666, before moving downstairs to the modern galleries which reopened in 2010 and continue the story right up to today. That's a quarter of a million years covered by one museum!
Museum of London is always free to visit.
Temporary exhibition review (on till 10 June 2012): Dickens and London.
Modern Galleries
A £20 million redevelopment means literally half of the museum - all of the lower floor - has been improved. The space has grown by 25% creating a new gallery with a street level window along London Wall to house the Lord Mayor's Coach.
The modern galleries cover London's history from around 1700 right up to today and have 7,000 objects, interactives, film and changing displays, to bring it all to life for us. The museum is about the people as much as the city and every artifact tells a personal story as Londoners reinvent their city and are changed by it.
Experience the real flavour of London life from the prehistoric to present day when you visit the Museum of London, a modern museum boasting over 1.1 million objects. Following a? 20 million redesign, the five lower Galleries of Modern London take you through the history of the city from the Great Fire of London in 1666 to the present day. Historic pieces on view include precious books, mock-up city streets and vintage cars - the grandest of which is the Lord Mayor's State Coach, still used in the annual Lord Mayor's Show. The galleries include displays as diverse as a reconstructed Georgian pleasure garden and a World City space, where museum items reveal London's post-1914 history through changing tastes in fashion, mobile phones and, moving into the twentieth century, the Art Deco lift from Selfridges department store. In the Sackler Hall, LED lights display facts and figures on interesting topics like London's energy demands or homeless population. The museum has four permanent galleries displaying the story of London from prehistoric times up until the early Stuart period. A chain of chronological galleries guide visitors from 450,000 BC to the founding of Londinium in AD50 and you can even see the old bones of a skeleton aged between 5640 and 5100 years old. Among the 47,000 objects from Roman London are some stunning marble sculptures from the Temple of Mithras which show how this great empire paved the way for the city as we know it. Don't miss fragments of the old London Wall located just outside the museum.
museums of london
museums of london
museums of london
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спросили в Astacidea
Помогите кто может. У кого с английским хорошо.
London is the capital of Britain. Ancient Romans founded the city two thousand years

русско-ангийский перевод помогите
+с№ёэ№щКхЁьшэРяшёюъюяЁхфхыхэшщ+фЁхёНш=р=№ИюЁьр=шЁютрээ№щъюэхч¶юЁь№эрёрыю¶юЁь№-юэфюэ it is known not
спросили в Arrow Air Bain Capital
Помогите по английскому написать небольшое сочинение про Лондон

London is the capital of the United Kingdom, its economic, political and cultural
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Помогите))пжлуста))Английский....просто ссылочку дайте)
The City of Bath England. A World Heritage City. On this site you will find a comprehensive listing
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