my father was a fine mechanic

Автор Devli Dev задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Артём Сёмушкин[гуру]
1. He loved engines. 2. Fell i love 3. Don\'t forget 4. I could walked 5. The workshop was my playroom 6.My father put me 7. He could kept an eye on me 8. That were lying around 9. Promise you 10. It was far more 11. To play with 12. Have Given nowadays 13. I grew older 14. Was five years 15. Talked to me 16. He layed a hand 17. I want you to become a great mechanic. 19. You\'ve learned a lot already 20. When you grow up 21. I hope 22. You\'ll become a great enginner 23. Who makes 24. You\'ll need a really good ed...

Ответ от Alexa[гуру]
My father was a fine mechanic. He loved engines. And certainly I, too, should fall in love with engines and automobiles. Won't forget that even before I could walk, the workshop was my playroom. My father put me there so that he could keep an eye on me al

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