my hometown

My hometown plans

Автор Денис виктров задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Проверьте,пожалуйста,английский,сочинение внутри. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Marianna Podolskaja[активный]
Hometown is the best place IN the world for all people. I would like to invite you to my hometown, TO St Petersburg. St. Petersburg is the second capital of Russia. It was found in 1703 by Peter the Great. There is NO city like St.Petersburg in the world. If you come to my city you should visit the Peter and Paul's Fortress, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, Palace Square and the Kazan Cathedral. These places have got AN interesting history. You can LEARN a lot of new INFORMATION about people like Menchikov, Peter the Great and all Roman family. It is really impressive but I can’t imagine my hometown without places where I live. Dudergof Hights is the best sight for me. It has got ancient originS and attracts tourists, biologists, historians and geographers. The special attention deserves Kirchgoff Mountain. It is really A fantastic, exciting and A mysterious place. Yes-yes, this place is mysterious and adventurous. There is an ancient Finland*FINNISH?* cemetery and the stone Ukko-Kivi. You can hear a lot of legends about this place. THERE IS THE "Tuutari Park" on Kirchgoff mountain. This place has a lot of activities for you. You can GO ski and sledge IN winter, and do sports and swim in the lake IN summer. I think that St Petersburg is the best destination for your holidays in Russia because you can see the world-famous sights in the center of St Petersburg and visit Dudergof Heights if you dislike the NOISY city. Also you can have SOME wonderful and exciting activities in « Tuurari Park ». Вобщем, где-то что-то исправила, на счет пунктуации ничего сказать не могу, обычно я вобще ничего не ставлю =)) В некоторых местах я удалила пару слов и никак это не отметила. Надо будет тебе заново перечитать мою небольшую обработу =)

Ответ от Ибрагим Джамалдинов[новичек]
отлично написано OF COURSE!

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