my ideal computer system

Автор Ѐимма задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

my ideal computer кому не сложно, напишие сочинение 100 слов my ideal computer и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ёергей Тагай[гуру]
My ideal computer
My ideal computer must not be so much powerful as computers in Ministry of defence, it has to do different tasks and fulfil them brilliantly. It must have maximum reliability and to connect with internet in five-ten seconds. It must have good hard disk with big capacity in order to keep my films and photos.It must be fast and universal to the some extent, and allow me to do different intellectual job, such as translation from English into Russian and writing of articles.
Computer gives me a lot of possibilities for personal development, in particular it's possible to learn foreign languages online with help of it.
Pitiful and stupid are those people who only entertain themselves with help of computer.That's why I like my PC and dislike Xboxes and playstations.

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