нефть на английском

Нефть перевод на английский

Автор А. Блинов задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Английский текст связанный с нефтью и получил лучший ответ

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Places of a congestion of oil
At the beginning of development of a petroleum industry search of oil fields and gas was conducted in essence blindly. In the USA, for example, those years there was even a special term - «a method of a wild cat»: searched on a scent, sometimes jumping aside aside as it is done by the scared cat.
Here is how English geologist K.Kreg described a chink bookmark:
«For a place choice have gathered managing drilling and operating crafts and have together defined that area in which limits the chink should be put in pawn. However with usual care in such cases who did not dare to specify that point where necessary begin drilling. Then one of present, differing большей boldness, has told, specifying on turning over them to a raven:
- Misters if to all of us it is equal, let's begin бурить there where this will sit down a raven …. The offer was accepted. The chink has appeared unusually successful. But if raven has flown by on one hundred yards further to the east to meet oil would not be what hope … »
In Russia in the middle of 19 centuries the device - the guesser of oil of system Mensfilda was on sale. It consisted of an arrow and a scale which were established on wooden колу, stuck in the earth. According to the inventor, close залегание oil should cause a deviation of an arrow which as if reacted to electric current course between the earth and atmosphere. The idea in itself was sensible, but here reliability of the device …. About it eloquently enough says that fact, that check of the device before its purchase was not resolved.
However, for the sake of justice it is necessary to tell, that the majority of researchers all the same hoped not for blind good luck or wonderful devices, and on elementary common sense. In 70th years of 19 centuries of a chink were pawned there where oil acted on an earth surface more often. «Time it is shown on a surface, - searchers argued, - that it for certain is and in depth …»
However, and the common sense could bring sometimes. In particular if the oil pool appeared a consequence of its negligent transportation or if it "have created" purposely.
In the end of 19th century one more perspective way of search has been developed. Two chinks giving oil began to pawn chinks on «an oil line», that is on a straight line, the uniter. The course of reasonings was thus simple. If chinks And and In give oil it is quite possible that will be productive and a chink With, located between them.
Observant people began to look narrowly and at geological conditions of area in which the most successful chinks are located. We will tell, for areas of the North Caucasus - Maikop, Grozny, Baku - the direction of oil lines was accepted parallel to a direction of the Main Caucasian ridge. And when in the USA once have drilled very successful chink in lowland, there was a rule which has extended then worldwide: chinks should be pawned in lowlands. Say, oil as the liquid, flows down here.
However after this someone has casually found out oil, having drilled a chink on a hill slope, and the rule there and then has exchanged on opposite - to search for oil it is necessary on a height …
(Now it name a trial and error method, and in popular speech - a method «тыка»), of course, it was impossible to be guided by such method long: the expensive each error managed. The petroindustrialist even more often began to address for the help to the geologists who are able to indirect signs, visible on a surface, to guess, which structure bowels in the given area have.
About traps.
First of all it was necessary to find out, under which geological conditions the deposit - an oil and gas congestion in rocks can be formed.
Geologists began to reflect: what combination of an environment is capable to lead to an oil congest

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