next day jamie phoned hannah and invited

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Ответ от Gdsg sgs[гуру]
1. She washed ..her.hands and face. 2. We invited Liz to stay with 3. - Do you know that man? - Yes, I know..him. 4. That is his book. Give him. 5. The bag is heavy. What is there in 6. Look at them! .they.are playing like kids. 7. – Are you… a teacher? – No, I… am not. 8. They live in the country. isn\'t big is comfortable. 9 . Can .you..- Yes, please. .I.would like a pair of shoes. 10 . What\'s number? May I phone 11.Give me and I\'ll give you ..mine. 12. I don\'t want this book. You can have 13. My sister has a new car, but she doesn\'t like 14. He has two sons. He plays football with .each his free time. 15. That\'s my book. Can I have .it..back, please? 16. Ann\'s new teacher is Mrs White. Ann likes .her..a lot. 17. We are good students, so our teacher likes 18.Kate likes Julia, but Mary doesn\'t like all. 19.He buys & newspaper every day and reads .it..on the train. 20.Look! This is a photo with my family. 15. Заполните пропуски в тексте предлогами из рамки. at in about after for with by to on of James lives .in..a small Cambridge. He lives ..wiyh.two other boys who are students .of..Cambridge University. They work hard during the week, but at… weekends they invite a lot..of. friends to their house. They cook a meal..with their friends, and then they go the pub .for..a drink, or they stay and listen James has two jobs. on..Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works .in..a hospital, where he helps to look .after..children who are ill. He goes .to..the bus. He starts o\'clock and works until five. On Thursdays and Fridays he home. He has a word processor .in..his bedroom and he writes stories. in..the evenings one .of..the boys cooks a meal. .after .dinner they look in the newspaper to see what is .. or they talk ..about.their days. They usually go .to..bed at about midnight

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