описание на английском

текст про осень на английском языке

Автор Konfetka задал вопрос в разделе Гуманитарные науки

текст про описание осени на английском языке.срочно!!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Mimi Mimi[гуру]
Autumn comes after summer. There are three autumn months: September, October and November. The warm days of early autumn are called the “Indian Summer” or the “Golden Autumn”. The “Golden Autumn” is really beautiful with its yellow, red and brown trees and golden leaves falling down.
Many people think that autumn is the dullest season of the year. But I don't think so, because autumn is the season of fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of grapes, plums, water-melons, apples, pears and so on in autumn. Autumn is also rich in potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbiages, onion, garlick, beetroots, etc.
But days become shorter and nights longer and darker in autumn.. The weather is not so good as in spring and in summer. It often rains in autumn, and it becomes colder and colder with every passing day.

Ответ от Danya Kr.[гуру]
Autumn (also known as Fall in North American English) is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, usually in late March (southern hemisphere) or late September (northern hemisphere) when the arrival of night

Ответ от Artem Ostroymov[новичек]
Autumn (also known as Fall in North American English) is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, usually in late March (southern hemisphere) or late September (northern hemisphere) when the arrival of night

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спросили в Denuvo
есть ли у кого нибудь текст про погоду в россии на английском языке, только не большой...помогите)
44) Seasons and weather - Сезоны и погода в английском языке
Weathe = погода.

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Сначала - про русский язык.. .

Фраза может не быть целым предложением.

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