outstanding composers

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Честное слово: такая чушь и, извините за выражение, через одно место написано.
Пришли на мыло, поправлю....

Ответ от Persefona[активный]
there are many composers in the world. ..Beethoven, for example, is the German composer, one of the best known and most admired composers, who composed (created) the most... as далее не надо.. Mozart is the Austrian... Mozart began to compose music ...Andrew Lloyd Webber composed (o музыке не говорят - write )... I am wish few to tall about plot - I would like to tell about the plot. Making look younger operatic singer Kristina becomes the delusion for Spectre defaced inhabitant and secret landlord of the Parisian Opera - здесь что вы имели в виду под making look younger? здесь далее - opera singer... Paris Opera. далее ...but she begфт to look after (если вы хотите сказать что она заботится о друге то тогда верно; если что она ищет друга то тогда look for ) the childhood friend Raul. The Spectre is ready for everything to conquer the beautiful woman. All operas are staged in a theatre. I like to go to theatre, but only to the modern theatre (если вы хотели сказать - современный). But I don’t like plays about love. I like to watch films in the cinema more. Rock music invigorates me. ..It consists of Mike Shinoda, who is the member of the group Linkin Park, and of many singers from different groups. My favorite song of Fort Minor is “Slip out the Back. Shinoda writes music for his group.Fort Minor performes in USA, Japan and others countries. I live in the small town Nizhnevartovsk...If Fort Minor visits our town, then I'll go to their concert.
если что - пиши) все что не отмечено здесь считаю верным))

Ответ от Михаил Рыбаков[гуру]
Боюсь оценку Вам всё же снизят... 🙁 Sorry.
Первое предложение: There are many composers in the world.
Второе. Тут сложнее... Beethoven ...is a German compser, one of ...composerS, ..wrote (и непонятно, к кому относится who - к Бетховену или к композиторам; т.е. я понимаю, конечно, что имеется в виду Бетховен.) Далее "as" я заменил бы на "such as". Возможно, это предложение вообще стоит разбить на два.
Третье. ..is an Australian composer...
Дальше я перестал понимать. 🙂
...Webber wrote...
I wish to tEll (a few words) about ...Не надо "am".
Нет, что-то дальше тяжеловато... 🙂 Я всё-таки не англичанин. 🙂 Мне проще написать это "с нуля", чем проверять. Sorry. К моим предложениям по исправлению отнеситесь критически.
P.S. Важно: Beethoven ...is a German composer, только не "the", т.к. "германский композитор" - это в данном случае общее понятие, поэтому артикль должен быть неопределённым! То же в случае австралийских и иных композиторов.

Ответ от Tiger cub[эксперт]
There are many composers in the world. The one of the best known and most admired composers is German composer Beethoven. He is well-known author of the most famous work such as “The Fifth Symphony” and “The Emperor Concerto”. Also Mozart is Austrian composer whose works include 41 symphonies, piano concertos and operas. Mozart began to compose music before he was five years old. Sergei Rachmaninoff is an outstanding Russian composer and pianist. His greatest compositions are “The Prelude”, “The Second and Third Piano Concertos”, and “The Rhapsody on the Theme of Paganini”. Andrew Lloyd Webber writes “The Phantom of the Opera”. I want to tell a little about last. Informal Master of Parisian Opera, ugly Spectre became long for young singer Kristina. She is enchanted by his music. But the girl starts to care for her old friend Raul. The Spectre can do his worst to win beautiful woman love.
All operas are plaied in a theatre. I like to go to to a theatre, but not often. And I don’t like theatre love stories. They bore me. I like to see films in cinema better.
My favorite music is rock. Rock music make me strong/vigorous/alive. Best of all I like soft rock. My favorite group is Fort Minor. It's members are Mike Shinoda who is also member of group Linkin Park , and many singers from different groups. They have many popular songs. They are/ several of them are “Remember the name”, “Petrified”, “Right Now”. My favorite song of group Fort Minor is “Slip out the Back”. Shinoda writes music for his group. Fort Minor performs in USA, Japan and others countries.
I live in small town Nizhnevartovsk. Only Russian popular singers visit out town. That's why I don’t go in concerts. If Fort Minor visited our town, I would go to their concert."
А про учебник...#@%@# Никогда не читайте адаптированную литературу, ничто так не портит язык!
Готов на все - это can do his best или his worst - в зависимости от контекста и никик не ready for all. А писать "The music I love is ..." это все равно, что ", isn't it?" на русский переводить фразой ", не так ли?"

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