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Переведи те пожалуйста текст на Английский язык (Не через переводчик). Цифры тоже на слова переведите пожалуйста! и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от |{oшk@[гуру]
Living in Russia prefer to rest at sea. In the first place in the list of most popular country is Egypt. The advantages of this country are obvious - a short-lived flight, hot weather, sea, visa-free regime, the possibility to order meals all included. In addition, in Egypt you can ride all year round: those who love the \"hotter\" go to this country in the summer, and moderate heat lovers prefer the period from November to April. In second place, as you might have guessed, is Turkey. Its advantages are the same as that of Egypt: the warm sea, visa-free travel, meals, all-inclusive. \" However, the holiday in Turkey has a distinct seasonal pattern: from May to October. Ski holidays in Turkey and has not received such wide distribution, as a beach. As for the exotic, then for the main part of Russian tourists, it is strongly associated with Thailand. Palm trees, golden sand, azure sea - many people have a picture of paradise holiday looks that way. Add to this the Asian flavor, variegation, exotic cuisine and exciting show - here it is, a recipe for success in Thailand! Next on the list of preferences is the UAE. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to relax by the sea and make a lucrative shopping. In the UAE, tourists can choose holidays to suit all tastes and budgets - from budget hotels in Sharjah and Ajman to luxury coastal facilities in Jumeirah. But do not forget that the tour to the UAE on average more expensive than in Egypt. At the last place in the list of most visited countries are Tunisia. This country is usually chosen by people who have already visited Turkey and Egypt and the rest want the same plan: sea, sun, visa-free regime, all-inclusive. Hotels in Tunisia is easier than in Turkey and Egypt, but also the cost of services, including thalassotherapy, here below.
Нужен адекватный перевод текста. Пожалуйста!!! А то переводчик набор слов выдает смысла нету, бред вобщем. Спасибо!!!
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