Автор Kostya Uritskiy задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи
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Ответ от Египтолог[гуру]
Первое задание
1 – c
2 – a
3 – b
4 – d
5 – b
6 – d
7 – a
8 – a
Второе задание
1 Sailing is good fun.
2.Climbing mountains is dangerous.
3. Playing outdoor games is healthy.
4. Sunbathing a long time is dangerous
5. Doing exams is stressful
6. Jet-skiing is noisy and expensive
7. Meeting friends is enjoyable
8. Swimming in the sea in the UK is not always enjoyable
9. Watching TV is popular
Третье задание
(Ты тут с номерами, кажется, напутал! )
1)Many people are afraid of flying (пример)
2) Computers are useful for playing chess
3) My brother is bad in reading
4) Children get bored with playing
5) Dogs are good at running
6) I'm tired of asking questions.
7) A lot of teenagers are interested in a good knowledge.
8) Who's responsible for buying tickets?
9) Gloves are necessary for warming hands.
Четвертое задание
A: What's the best place for the tent?
B: Well, avoid putting it near the river; It's very wet down there.
A: OK. I love living in the countryside, don't you?
B: Yeah, but I miss being with my friends. Do you mind doing the cooking?
A: No, I quite enjoy cooking on a camp fire.
B: I prefer using a microwave - it's much easier.
A: Oh, where's your sense of adventure? I bet you can't imagine going out without a TV. And I bet you hate spending a week without your mobile phone.
B: That's true. I quite like meeting new people but I can't stand sleeping on the ground.
бунгало, маленький дом с верандой
cottage – загородный дом, коттедж
detached house - отдельный дом
flat – квартира
semi-detached house – дом, пристроенный к другому дому
terraced house – дом в ряду сплошной застройки
bedside table – прикроватный стол, тумбочка
cooker – кухонная плита
dishwasher – посудомоечная машина
fridge – холодильник
microwave - микроволновая печь
shower – душ
sink – раковина
sofa – диван, софа
toilet – туалет
wardrobe – гардероб
washbasin – умывальник
washing machine – стиральная машина
Источник: Надеюсь, скоро такого рода вопросы сменятся вопросами типа "Проверьте, пожалуйста, правильность моих ответов... " ))
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