Правила поведения в школе на английском языке
Автор Артём Шитиков задал вопрос в разделе Школы
Какие првила нужно исполнять в школе (10 правил) .если вам не лень напишите на английском. зарание спасибо и получил лучший ответ
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Rules of behavior in the locker room
• In school come 10-15 minutes before the start of classes.
• At school go to house shoes.
• In the locker room each class has its own hanger - always leave your things in a certain place. Your clothing should always be sewn loops for which it is hung on the hooks in the locker room. For house shoes should be roomy cloth bag.
• Be attentive to all things in the school cloakroom: raise fallen coat, carry them you found things a duty teacher.
• Do not leave in the locker room travel card, mobile phone, money.
• Do not sativi in the locker room games.
Rules of conduct in the classroom
On the lesson you come to gain knowledge. Under the guidance of a teacher you master the study material, learn practical skills, learn to think and reason, develop your speaking skills and cognitive abilities. The process of learning each new theme designed for a certain number of hours. During this time you will have to work hard to learn the curriculum. It is therefore very important not to skip lessons, to your knowledge, did not appear in the gaps.
• The lesson can not be late without a valid reason.
• Everything you need for the lesson: notebook, textbook, pencils, ruler - prigotavlivaya in advance.
• Lesson keep quiet, be diligent. The teacher's explanations listen carefully. Don't talk with your neighbors and do not get distracted by other things.
• If you want to answer the question the teacher or to ask your question, don't shout, and raise your hand.
• If you meet your classmate, you cannot interrupt his answer, to tell him. Raise your hand - the teacher will notice your activity.
• When called to answer thee; speak loudly and clearly Express their thoughts in complete sentences.
• In notebooks to write legibly and neatly. Negligence and illegibility of the handwriting cannot be tolerated is the elementary expression of disrespect to someone who will check your notebook.
• During a lesson not to chew gum.
• Ugly and unworthy thing is considered cheating.
• Hearing the bell announcing the end of the lesson, not Srivasa from the place, in an effort to quickly run out of the class. Wait, when the teacher finishes the lesson, and write down homework in his diary that evening in order not to disturb call their classmates.
Rules of conduct in the hallway and on the stairs
In school you daily spend with other students, about half of the day. Many people every day are making a considerable effort to all students was light, warm, cozy and comfortable. Of course, this work should be valued and respected.
• Always try to keep their school clean and tidy, even if you have not assigned a duty.
• Do not run in the hallway and on the stairs. Too busy playing and running around often lead to various troubles and even serious injuries.
• Meeting at the school with older people necessarily Zdorovya first, even if they're strangers.
• Always yield to the senior road and skip them in the door.
• Be attentive to the students of Junior classes. Necessarily show the child, if it is necessary. Never hurt small and weak and don't allow anyone to do that to other guys.
• Always remember that you are not alone. Try to behave so that no one can interfere.
• The school does not cry, do not use rude words, not fight.
• Attend carefully to the school property.
Rules of conduct in the school canteen
• During the school day, each class is assigned its own change, which students attend the school canteen. This is necessary to comply with the order. Visit the dining room at a set school schedule.
• Do not run into the dining room, pushing all around the elbows. Do not press towards the buffet queue, pushing kids.
• Don't sit down at the table sideways or putting one leg over the other.
• Remember the rules of conduct at the table - you have
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