programming languages перевод текста

Many encyclopedias say that the first computer

Автор Евгений ворлов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Many encyclopedias say that the first computer was developed by Howard H. Aiken (and his team) in America between 1939 and 1944. It was a large-scale, programme-controlled machine which could make a very complex calculation.
However, after World War II an important discovery was made that the first computer was, in fact, made in Germany in 1941 by Konrad Zuce.
Later Konrad Zuce founded a company in order to build computers that could be used by an engineer or a scientist.
Konrad Zuce also developed the first real programming language, which shows an amazing similarity to today's most advanced computer languages.
Unfortunately, the role of this man, who was years ahead of his time, is still unknown to many people.
Maybe for the ’Official’ history of computers it is impossible to accept that Konrad Zuce was on the wrong side of World War II. гугл переводчик))

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