public transport

текст про транспорт на английском

Автор Ёофья Кашенцева задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Public transport topic или топик по английскому? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Postie[гуру]
Public transportation includes a variety of different vehicles, including buses, trolleys, commuter trains, streetcars, cable cars, van shuttle services, ferries and water taxis. Public transportation benefits individual riders, their communities, the economy and the environment. Individuals who regularly use public transportation enjoy a number of benefits, not the least of which is financial. In difficult economic times, choosing public transportation can be a great way to save money and stretch the family budget. Using public transportation also creates a healthier, more active lifestyle for individuals. Walking to and from public transit stops allows people to gain additional daily exercise. Public transportation also increases mobility options for non-drivers, especially senior citizens. Using public transportation can cut down on commute times, lightening people's schedules and affording them more spare time. Public transportation benefits the communities that it services. For starters, public transportation provides easy and convenient access to all that a city has to offer. In large cities where parking expenses are high, public transportation allows individuals to visit local businesses and attractions more frequently for less money. In rural areas, public transportation fosters the growth of business districts and shopping malls. It also encourages more interaction between residents, which results in a stronger, more unified community. Public transportation helps communities financially -- if individuals can save money on transportation, they can spend more at local stores. The growing popularity and use of public transportation makes a lasting, positive impact on the environment. Public transportation also emits 95 percent less carbon monoxide per mile than a private vehicle, resulting in less pollution and better air quality.

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