qualifications перевод

Автор Feelgood- задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

РЕЗЮМЕ КВАЛИФИКАЦИИ ?? поясните и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Helene Ellenschlaeger[гуру]
извиняюсь, это описание вашей квалификации.
"..at the very beginning of a resume in which you outline your qualification to a specific job or a field."
Summary of Qualifications
Certified Workforce Development Professional with 14 years experience as a Career Specialist. Provide career counseling, coaching, and job seeker services. Identify values, develop possible career paths, and develop strategies for entering a career. Develop individual employment plans, goal setting strategy, and networking skills. Provide job search and resume writing assistance, soft skills vs. hard skills analysis, and instruction on completion of career portfolios. Successful employment placement rate. Proficient with Microsoft office programs, and use of database programs. ( ссылка. about. com/od/sampleresumes/l/blsummaryres.htm)

Ответ от Пуританин из герцогства[новичек]
Да ты должен в первой строфе указать

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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