рио де жанейро по английски

По английски карнавал

Автор Виолетта Королева задал вопрос в разделе Образование за рубежом

Ребят, у кого хорошо с английским? Сможете написать сочинение на тему; "парад в рио де жанейро" на английском и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от
Parade in Brazil- celebration which is worth to see. Usually people dress a very beautiful costumes with sequins and feathers (костюмы с блестками и перьями). Many people from other countries are very glad to see it and they share their feelings with friends and relatives.
Celebration is continues to deep night and even to morning. It's very bright and hot celebration.
There are many people take part in this festival, which make they glad and happy.
Парад в Бразилии- праздник который стоит увидеть. Обычно на этот праздник люди надевают костюмы с блестками и перьями. Многие люди из других стран рады увидеть это и делятся своими впечатлениями с друзьями и родственниками.
Праздник продолжается до глубокой ночи, а иногда и даже до утра. Это событие яркое и жаркое. Много людей принимают участие в этом фестивале, которое делает их радостными и счастливыми.

Ответ от Глупею не по дням[гуру]
Rio Carnival
The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a world famous festival held before Lent every year and considered the biggest carnival in the world with two million people per day on the streets. The first festivals of Rio date back to 1723.
The typical Rio carnival parade is filled with revelers, floats and adornments from numerous samba schools which are located in Rio (more than 200 approximately, divided into 5 leagues/ divisions). A samba school is composed of a collaboration of local neighbours that want to attend carnival together, with some kind of regional, geographical common background.
There is a special order that every school has to follow with their parade entries. Each school begins with the "comissao de frente" ("Front Commission" in English), that is the group of people from the school that appear first. Made of ten to fifteen people, the "comissao de frente" introduces the school and sets the mood and style of their presentation. These people have choreographed dances in fancy costumes that usually tell a short story. Following the "comissao de frente" is the first float of the samba school, called "abre-alas" ( "Opening Wing" in English ). These are followed by the Mestre-sala and Porta-Bandeira (Room Master and Flag Carrier), with one to 4 pairs, one active and 3 reserve, to lead the dancers, which include the old guard veterans and the "ala das baianas", with the bateria at the rear and sometimes a brass section and guitars.

Ответ от PSeudo[гуру]
Прекрасный сайт для изучения АНГЛИЙСКОГО языка с нуля и не только! На сайте можно просматривать фильмы, сериалы, клипы на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке, играть в игры, а также максимально эффективно изучать слова с помощью чудесного словаря.
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