роль интернета в современном мире
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Ответ от Denis nazarov[гуру]
As well as being a global network of networks, the Internet is a global network of people, ideas and information. The Net is as interesting and exciting as the people, organisations, companies, governments and weirdoes that are connected to it.There is another thing that's exciting about the Internet. Like love and life, the Net is what you make it. If you don't like what's happening on one part of the network, you can build yourself a whole new cybercity, appoint yourself as mayor and run it exactly as you want.The Internet enables you to do a lot of things simultaneously. You can read the latest copy of your favourite newspaper while planning your night's TV viewing and ordering some cheap CDs from an American discount disc store.You can send e-mail to someone you've never met before ...Some people have "met" over the Internet and got married.The first web browsers only supported simple texts and images, but now a multitude of multimedia plug-ins enables webpages to sing and dance.From PC banking to online shopping and chats with celebrities, the Internet is already changing our lives. The arrival of digital TV promises even more exciting things. Роль Интернета в современном мире.Будучи глобальной сетью, Интернет также представляет собой глобальную сеть людей, идей и информации. Интернет так же интересен и захватывающ, как и люди, организации, компании, правительства, которые связаны с ним.Существует еще одна вещь, которая захватывает в Интернете. Как любовь и жизнь, нэт- это то, что вы создаете. Если вам не нравится, что происходит в одной части сети, вы можете построить себе новый кибэр-город, назначить себя мэром и править им так, как вы хотите.Интернет позволяет делать много вещей одновременно. Вы можете читать последнюю копию вашей любимой газеты, планировать ваш ночной просмотр телевизора и заказывать дешевые компакт-диски из американского магазина со скидкой.Вы можете отправить сообщение по электронной почте людям, которых вы никогда раньше не встречали ...Некоторые люди "встречались" через Интернет и поженились.Первые веб-браузеры поддерживали только простые тексты и изображения, но теперь множество мультимедийных плагинов позволяет веб-страницам петь и танцевать.От PC банков до Интернет-магазинов и чатов со звездами, Интернет уже меняет нашу жизнь. А появление цифрового телевидения обещает еще больше интересного.
Millions of people around the world use Internet every day.
I have the internet at home and enjoy looking for useful information for me.
Internet is very useful, because it is a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want from movies and music of interest to the vast number of books, newspapers and magazines.
Internet helps to learn lots (или a lot). (можно по-другому: Internet helps studing.)
To find more information, download the required essay, watch video about some books which you have already read, everything can be done through the Internet.
Email is one of the advantages of the Internet.
This online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster.
You never lose touch with loved ones, wherever they are using such mean of communicatoin.
I have a personal e-mail and have an oppotunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries.
Nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives also is not difficult.
Today there are many different Internet - competitions for different subjects which give students the opportunity to participate even in international competitions.
On the other hand I think that the Internet becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling theirselfves eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.
Internet - one of the main cornerstones of globalization. It simplifies online access to a person of any information and clears the mental differences. Telecommunications and information systems continue to evolve, leading to the transformation of society, both in the scale of the whole planet as a whole, and on the scale of a country or city. The extent of the impact of modern information technologies on society remains a controversial issue. Some believe in the beginning of the electronic revolution that will radically change the existing way of life, while others are convinced that the existing system simply imposes additional virtual. The Internet is not just one of the major factors of globalization. Studies show that the greater becomes the number of Internet users in the regions of the country, the more local linkages are reflected in a separate area or a particular locality. This property of the Internet as a location, has become increasingly common. Localization - a consequence of Internet penetration and the formation of independent branches of each country, and in the future, and some regional. Simply put, the more people in a particular region are Internet services, the greater the need for users in a territorial reference to the place of residence. One of the most important aspects of how the Internet affects society on the territorial level, the mapping of the real in the virtual space. The network provides additional functions, stimulates the development of those fields that are ready for the introduction of new technologies. Internet participates in the development of local cultures, in spite of the processes of globalization, virtual reality contributes to the development of national and regional identity. This can be seen in the example of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Internet displays, as in a mirror image of the entire region. Regional segments of the virtual space not only display the image of the region for its residents, but also form a certain stereotype of the territory of other residents. Internet in many ways acts as the media, but the information space more holistically than any journalistic publication. How does the Internet contribute to globalization? Firstly, global network erases distance boundary simplifies access to information facilitates communication. At the same time, the Internet increases social inequality. Secondly, the increasing economic segment goods and services located in the network. Thirdly, such a thing as a freelance, which allows you to hire temporary workers to fee-based, and often, these workers can live hundreds of kilometers away from the customer. Fourth, more and more people working at home. And finally, fifth, the Internet greatly increases the role of transnational corporations and help in promoting brands. In addition, people change their way of life, form the cyberculture and the community, thanks to the Internet are starting an online business. The last point, it must be said, is rapidly gaining popularity. Not only budding entrepreneurs rushed for earnings in the Internet, their share of the profits are going to get, and large companies. With the development of networking opportunities, many organizations today transferred its real business on the rails of the so-called "E-commerce".
The special role of the Internet in today's world is the ability to communicate with people, sometimes located on the other side of the world. Almost every person, no matter what nationality or religion, he can communicate with their friends, family and loved ones over the Internet. To this end, developed special sites and programs that greatly simplifies the process of communication. It should be noted that such contact is much cheaper than using a fixed telephone or mobile communication systems.
It's hard to imagine what would happen to humanity if it were not for the Internet appeared. It is because of Internet technologies have been developed the most modern and high-tech devices and equipment with which much increased productivity, has explored space, has been strengthened protection of the leading countries of the world and other other opportunities that we did not even suspect.
Роль интернета в современном мире играет важную роль. Ведь Особая роль Интернета в современном мире заключается в возможности в общении с людьми, порой находящимися на другом конце света. Практически каждый человек, не имеет значения какой он национальности или религии, может общаться со своими друзьями, родными и близкими через Интернет. С этой целью разработаны специальные сайты и программы, которые намного упрощают процесс общения. Необходимо отметить, что такой контакт гораздо дешевле, чем с помощью стационарной телефонной связи или мобильной связи.
Трудно представить, что было бы с человечеством, если бы не появился Интернет. Именно благодаря Интернет -технологиям были разработаны самые современные и высокотехнологичные устройства и оборудование, с помощью которых намного увеличилась производительность труда, стало изучаться космическое пространство, была усилена защита ведущих государств мира и прочие другие возможности, о которых мы даже не подозреваем.
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