russian folk cures

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Перевод с русского на английский!!!!помогите пожалуйста....умоляю и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ўлия Дудырева[новичек]
Russia - a truly unique country, which, along with a highly modern culture cherishes the traditions of their nation, deeply rooted not only in Orthodoxy, but even in paganism. Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidays, many people believe in omens and legends.
Easter - the resurrection of this light holiday Hrista.Snachala begins Lent, and after him on the table that day exhibited the most different and delicious. And among them the first place is occupied by the ritual foods. And, above all, it's Easter, cakes and painted eggs.
In Russia such a holiday is Ivan Kupala. On the night of 23 to 24 June.
On this day, people encircled stripes of color on his head wore wreaths of herbs. Circle dances, sang songs, diluted with bonfires in the middle of which put a pole with a fortified it burning wheel - the symbol of solntsa.V day St.John girl curled wreaths of herbs, and in the evening allowed them into the water, watching how and where they sail. If the wreath sinks, then out of love with and betrothed to marry him not to leave.
Perhaps the most fun holiday in Russia can be called Shrove Tuesday. This holiday is considered to be an echo of pre-Christian times, when the Slavs were still pagans. It remains a tradition of pancakes - round, yellow and hot as the sun, and were added to the horse-riding and sleigh rides with icy mountains, fist fight, Teschin gatherings. Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting because they combine the end of the period of winter holidays and the opening of the new rituals, springtime festivals and ceremonies, which were to facilitate obtaining a rich harvest.
We are celebrating - Trinity, Shrovetide, Easter. We sing Russian folk songs and folk songs, dances are leading a trip to the threes. Traditional Russian cooking is known worldwide for such dishes as okroshka, soup, dumplings, kvass. We are starting to build and repair churches. An example of this - the building of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This - the symbol of reviving human feelings of national pride and patriotism.

Ответ от Мадияр Калижаров[гуру]
Russia - a truly unique country, which, along with a highly modern culture cherishes the traditions of their nation, deeply rooted not only in Orthodoxy, but even in paganism. Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidays, many people believe in omens, and legend.
Easter - the resurrection of this light holiday Hrista.Snachala begins Lent, and after him on the table that day exhibited the most different and delicious. And among them the first place is occupied by the ritual foods. And, above all, it's Easter, cakes and painted eggs.
In Russia such a holiday is Ivan Kupala. On the night of 23 to 24 June.
On this day, people encircled stripes of color on his head wore wreaths of herbs. Circle dances, sang songs, diluted with bonfires in the middle of which put a pole with a fortified it burning wheel - the symbol of solntsa.V day St.John girl curled wreaths of herbs, and in the evening allowed them into the water, watching how and where they swim. If the wreath sinks, then out of love with and betrothed to marry him not to leave.
Perhaps the most fun holiday in Russia can be called Shrove Tuesday. This holiday is considered to be an echo of pre-Christian times, when the Slavs were still yazychnikami.Ostalas tradition of pancakes - round, yellow and hot as the sun, and were added to the horse-riding and sleigh rides with icy mountains, fist fight, Teschin gatherings. Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting because they combine the end of the period of winter holidays and the opening of the new rituals, springtime festivals and ceremonies, which were to facilitate obtaining a rich harvest.
We are celebrating - Trinity, Shrovetide, Easter. We sing Russian folk songs and folk songs, dances are leading a trip to the threes. Traditional Russian cooking is known worldwide for such dishes as okroshka, soup, dumplings, kvass. We are starting to build and repair churches. An example of this - the building of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This - the symbol of reviving human feelings of national pride and patriotism.

Ответ от Secret[гуру]
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тему Православные праздники и переключаете язык
Православная церковь отмечает Троицу на 49 день после Пасхи, в воскресенье. В христианских церквях западной традиции в этот день празднуют Пятидесятницу, отмечая сошествие Святого Духа на апостолов, а день Святой Троицы празднуют в следующее воскресенье. Антитринитарии, не признающие Догмат Троицы, отмечают его строго, как сказано в Деяниях 2:1, на 50 день после Пасхи.
Pentecost (Ancient Greek: Πεντηκοστή [ἡμέρα], Pentēkostē [hēmera], "the Fiftieth [day]") is one of the prominent feasts in the Christian liturgical year commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Christ after the Resurrection.[1] The feast is also called Whitsunday especially in the United Kingdom. Pentecost is celebrated seven weeks (50 days) after Easter Sunday, hence its name.[2] Pentecost falls on the tenth day after Ascension Thursday.
Pentecost is historically and symbolically related to the Jewish harvest festival of Shavuot, which commemorates God giving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai fifty days after the Exodus. Among Christians, Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus as described in the New Testament Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31.[3] For this reason, Pentecost is sometimes described as the "Birthday of the Church".
The Pentecostal movement of Christianity derives its name from this biblical event.

Ответ от Eli@n@[гуру]
Russia - a truly unique country, which, along with a highly modern culture cherishes the traditions of their nation, deeply rooted not only in Orthodoxy, but even in paganism. Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidays, many people believe in omens and legends.
Easter - the resurrection of this light holiday Hrista.Snachala begins Lent, and after him on the table that day exhibited the most different and delicious. And among them the first place is occupied by the ritual foods. And, above all, it's Easter, cakes and painted eggs.
In Russia such a holiday is Ivan Kupala. On the night of 23 to 24 June.
On this day, people encircled stripes of color on his head wore wreaths of herbs. Circle dances, sang songs, diluted with bonfires in the middle of which put a pole with a fortified it burning wheel - the symbol of solntsa.V day St.John girl curled wreaths of herbs, and in the evening allowed them into the water, watching how and where they sail. If the wreath sinks, then out of love with and betrothed to marry him not to leave.
Perhaps the most fun holiday in Russia can be called Shrove Tuesday. This holiday is considered to be an echo of pre-Christian times, when the Slavs were still pagans. It remains a tradition of pancakes - round, yellow and hot as the sun, and were added to the horse-riding and sleigh rides with icy mountains, fist fight, Teschin gatherings. Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting because they combine the end of the period of winter holidays and the opening of the new rituals, springtime festivals and ceremonies, which were to facilitate obtaining a rich harvest.
We are celebrating - Trinity, Shrovetide, Easter. We sing Russian folk songs and folk songs, dances are leading a trip to the threes. Traditional Russian cooking is known worldwide for such dishes as okroshka, soup, dumplings, kvass. We are starting to build and repair churches. An example of this - the building of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This - the symbol of reviving human feelings of national pride and patriotism.

Ответ от Валерия[новичек]
Russia - a truly unique country, which, along with a highly modern culture cherishes the traditions of their nation, deeply rooted not only in Orthodoxy, but even in paganism. Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidays, many people believe in omens and legends.
Easter - the resurrection of this light holiday Hrista.Snachala begins Lent, and after him on the table that day exhibited the most different and delicious. And among them the first place is occupied by the ritual foods. And, above all, it's Easter, cakes and painted eggs.
In Russia such a holiday is Ivan Kupala. On the night of 23 to 24 June.
On this day, people encircled stripes of color on his head wore wreaths of herbs. Circle dances, sang songs, diluted with bonfires in the middle of which put a pole with a fortified it burning wheel - the symbol of solntsa.V day St.John girl curled wreaths of herbs, and in the evening allowed them into the water, watching how and where they sail. If the wreath sinks, then out of love with and betrothed to marry him not to leave.
Perhaps the most fun holiday in Russia can be called Shrove Tuesday. This holiday is considered to be an echo of pre-Christian times, when the Slavs were still pagans. It remains a tradition of pancakes - round, yellow and hot as the sun, and were added to the horse-riding and sleigh rides with icy mountains, fist fight, Teschin gatherings. Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting because they combine the end of the period of winter holidays and the opening of the new rituals, springtime festivals and ceremonies, which were to facilitate obtaining a rich harvest.
We are celebrating - Trinity, Shrovetide, Easter. We sing Russian folk songs and folk songs, dances are leading a trip to the threes. Traditional Russian cooking is known worldwide for such dishes as okroshka, soup, dumplings, kvass. We are starting to build and repair churches. An example of this - the building of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This - the symbol of reviving human feelings of national pride and patriotism.

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