sarah that all the letters

Choose the right form

Автор La FraIsE)) задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Люди срочно помогите с инглишом!! тут предложения,а в скобках надо выбрать правильные вариант. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Мария[гуру]
told had been
greeted had been
was followed
was asked were
have not been

Ответ от Иван Савельев[новичек]
1. Sarah was told that all the letters were written. Только первое знаю))

Ответ от Бегущая по Облакам[гуру]
4. ..were being...
5. ..let...
6. ..are...
9. ..was asked... had been...
10. ..have not been...
Пока только эти... над остальными думать лень))..

Ответ от Настя Кичева[новичек]
1. Sarah (was told) that all the letters (had been) written. 2. Benny (greeted) the people who (had been) invited to the meeting. 3. These children (are) never given any pocket money. 4. The inhabitants of the village (were being) asked about people living in their neighbourhood when the police arrived. 5. Jane ( let) her brother go to the cinema. 6. Children (are ) seldom allowed to see horror films. 7. I entered the house when our seats ( were being ) shown to my parents. 8. The funny scene ( was followed ) by the laughter of the adience. 9. John ( was asked ) by his uncle if the fairs in the village ( were ) often visited. 10. John says socks ( have not been) mended yet.

Ответ от Даша Дурманова[новичек]
1. Sarah was told that all the letters had been written. 2. Benny greeted the people who had been invited to the meeting. 3. These children are never given any pocket money. 4. The inhabitants of the village were being asked about people living in their neighbourhood when the police arrived. 5. Jane let her brother go to the cinema. 6. Children are seldom allowed to see horror films. 7. I entered the house when our seats were being shown to my parents. 8. The funny scene was followed by the laughter of the adience. 9. John was asked by his uncle if the fairs in the village ( were ) often visited. 10. John says socks have not been mended yet.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Люди срочно помогите с инглишом!! тут предложения,а в скобках надо выбрать правильные вариант.

Choose the right word
1 He completely forgot about the meeting. Он совершенно забыл (но не оставил) о встрече
2 Can

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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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