сергей лазарев на английском

Лазарев это все она на английском

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где можно найти биографию Сергея Лазарева на английском языке??? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ¤(Girl)¤[гуру]
Sergey Lazarev was born on April, 1st 1983 in Moscow, Russia. From 6 years was engaged in sports gymnastics, but has soon understood, that sports it not absolutely in what it(he) would like to be engaged in a life. With 9 till 11 years Sergey sang in ensemble it(him). V.S.Loktev. During same time it(he) played theatre Pokrovskogo. In 1995 Sergey became one of participants of children's ensemble of "Fidget". In structure of "Fidgets" Sergey took part(participated) in known television programs and festivals, and in 1997 became the winner of children's musical competition « the Morning star ». The same year it(he) was removed(took off) in television comic magazine " Jumble ". In 1999 Sergey became the student of leading theatrical high school of the country — Schools-studios of MKhAT, and in 2003 has ended it(him) with distinction. In 2001 Sergey in common with the friend and the old colleague on "Fidgets", Vlad Topalov, became the participant of the musical project « Smash!! ». The idea to make own дуэтный the project has come to children(guys) even during their work in ensemble of "Fidget". Задумка has passed in concrete execution(performance) when Vlad's mum has suggested boys to write down together an aria from a musical « Notre Dam De Paris » as a gift to the daddy at date of a birth. On the first pairs in management of a duet was engaged Саймон Нейпер-Белл which 20 years ago was manager Wham!. In August, 2002 children(guys) have won competition « the New wave » in Jürmala. The first clip of a duet on a song «Belle» has held on on the top lines of charts MTV during half a year. Despite of huge loading Sergey has found time in group to play in performance « Romeo and Juliet » theatre it(him). A.S.Pushkin where it(he) managed the main man's role. In February there was a long-awaited debut album of group " Freeway " which has almost instantly got the status gold (is sold more than one million license spears(copies)). In 2003 to set of premiums which Sergey has received in structure of « Smash!! », to its(his) achievements Aleshi Karamazov's role in performance « Some days from Aleshi Karamazov's life » in МХАТе was added by it(him). A.P.Chekhov. On December, 1st, 2004 there was second and last album of group « Smash!! » «2nite», and already in the end of year Sergey has left(abandoned) group and has begun solo career. The singer has signed the contract with the sound recording company Style Рекордс and itself has borrowed(occupied) in search and record of a material. It(he) also has returned to native Pushkin theatre for participation in performance « Borrow(Lend) the tenor! ». On December, 1st, 2005 there was Sergey's which has received the name the debut album « Don’t Be Fake ». It is 12 compositions which have been written down in London, 8 of them Sergey has written down in cooperation with the producer of world(global) size Bryan Roulingom known for work with such executors, as Selin Dion, Enrike Iglesias, Krejg David, Uniforms Thomas, Бритни Спирс. From the beginning of 2006 on air of the Russian radio stations there was first Russian-speaking composition Лазарева — a ballad « Even if you will leave ». In the end of 2005 the advisory council of the prestigious theatrical premium "Seagull" has confirmed Sergey's solvency as the actor, having noted its(his) game at once with two figurines — in nominations « Break of year » and « the Best love stage ». Recently Sergey's talent was recognized also by Oleg Tabakov — Лазарев has received the premium of fund of the master for « the Talented alloy of art of the comedy characteristic actor with talent musical in performance „ Borrow(Lend) the tenor “ ». In 2006 Sergey has received the premium of telechannel MTV Russia Music Awards in a nomination « the Best executor ». In May, 2007 there was Sergey Lazareva's second album under the name « TV Show ».пойдет?

Ответ от Stella Stellovna[гуру]
да нет такой!

Ответ от Comme La Mort...[новичек]
та ненаю я... х))

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: где можно найти биографию Сергея Лазарева на английском языке???
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