she was doing her homework when

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Ответ от Primavera[гуру]
Kate came out of the institute, took a bus and went home. When she came home her son was doing his homework. While he was studying, she was cooking dinner.

Ответ от Ђатьяна[гуру]
у меня вот что получилось
Rolling left institute, has embused and has gone home. When it has come home her son prepared lessons. While he was engaged, it made a supper.

Ответ от ALEKSEI[гуру]

Ответ от Виталий Chip&Deil[гуру]
Каtya has left institute, villages to the bus and has gone home. When she has come home its(her) son prepared lessons. While he was engaged, she prepared supper.

Ответ от AlexY[активный]
Катя has left institute, villages to the bus and has gone home. When she has come home its(her) son prepared lessons. While he was engaged, she prepared supper

Ответ от Serious Sam 999[гуру]
Kate came out of institute, sat in the bus and went home. When she came home her son had been prepareing the lessons. While he studyed, she was prepareing supper.

Ответ от Denzel[новичек]
нда, тут люди думают что программы вроде гуся и промта говорят по английски 🙂

Ответ от Ваcилий Пупкин[гуру]
Katrin left university, she jump into a bus to travel home. When she came home son was doing his home work till she cooking a supper

Ответ от ROACH Bug[гуру]
Kate left the institute, got on a bus and went home . When she came home, her son was doing his homework. While he was studying, she was cooking ( preparing) supper.

Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
Kate left the institute (college), took a bus, and went home. When she came home, her son was doing his homework. While he was studying, she was cooking dinner.
PS. Только не говорите мне, что --dinner-- это обед! Во всём мире уже давно lunch=обед, dinner=ужин... даже американцы с этим согласные ужО; -)

Ответ от Ёергей Петров[гуру]
Ух ты, "даже американцы"! Ну что ж, если уж и"они" согласны.. . Американцы это авторитет! Надо бы им зад лизнуть!
Kate left the institute, took a bus, and went home. When she came home, her son was doing his homework. While he was studying, she was cooking dinner.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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