shrek is a green ogre

Автор Вика Виктория задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Содержание мультика Шрэк! Самый первый мульт! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Алексей Боровиков[гуру]
Shrek - a huge green ogre who lives alone in a swamp. However, Lord Farkuad declare all magical creatures outside the law and refers to a swamp. Shrek goes to find out with Lord Farkuadom the return of fabulous creatures. Along with him tied talking donkey, Shrek is once already rescued from the soldiers of the lord.
Sam Lord Farkvud wants to become king, but for that he must marry the princess. The Magic Mirror shows him a few, and he chooses Princess Fiona, who is sitting in the tower of a castle guarded by a dragon. Lord Farkvud satisfied with the tournament, whose winner will receive an honorary law to defeat the dragon and save the princess.
Shrek and Donkey arrive in time for the beginning of the tournament. Lord Farkuad announces winner Shrek. Shrek agrees to rescue the princess, if instead of Lord Farkvud allow kobolds to leave his swamp.
Shrek and Donkey go to the castle, a dragon. Dragon Tail flick scores Shrek and Fiona in the tower remains a donkey. It turns out that this Drakoniha and ass, that she was not killed, is trying to flirt with her. At this time, Shrek takes Fiona from the tower, and together they run away.
Fiona thinks that it has released a handsome prince, however, everything was not as it should. She does not want to go to the Lord Farkvudu, and Shrek has to drag her.
Fiona every time before sunset, hiding from Shrek and Donkey. Donkey accidentally discovers that Fiona at night turns into a girl-limited. Shrek the hearing of their conversation about "who can love a monster," but thinks that they are talking about it. He is offended and leaves, and in the morning deals Fiona Lord Farkuadu.
Fiona prepares for the wedding and remembers Shrek. Shrek Donkey decided to tell the truth. When he heard that Fiona loves him, Shrek on Drakonihe, flies to the castle. At this time the sun sets and Fiona in front of everyone becomes limited. Lord Farkuad orders sharpen their "bride-monster" in the tower. Shrek beats it with Drakonihi, which swallows Farkvuda.
Fiona spell can be removed with a kiss, so Shrek kisses her, and all expect that now it becomes a beauty. However, Fiona is huge, and they play with Shrek gay wedding in the swamp.

Ответ от Елена Терентьева[гуру]
Это мой самый самый любимый мульт. Я его почти наизусть знаю!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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Shrek (Mike Myers), a green ogre that has always enjoyed living in peaceful solitude in his swamp,

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