симферополь по английски

симферополь на английском

Автор АндраникКургинян задал вопрос в разделе Школы

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Ответ от Ёветлана Латышева[новичек]
Simferopol Simferopol city, the center of the Crimean region of Ukraine. Located on the River. Salgir. Railroad station Node highways. Airport. 280 thousand inhabitants in 1975 (in 1939 - 143 thousand, in 1959 - 186 thousand, in 1970 - 249 thousand). In place of Simferopol in the 3rd. BC. Oe. - 4. Mr. Oe. was the capital of the Scythian state Scythian Naples, then this result. Kermenchik fortress. In the 15th century. tat occurred. Akmechet settlement on the site which was founded in 1784 SA - the administrative center of Tauris (in 1787-96 and 1802 - the province). In the 19th century. local shopping center. In 1874, after S. was Well. d. Lozova - Sevastopol. In 1900 there was a Social-Democratic organization. Soviet power was established in 13 (26), 1918. Was captured by the foreign interventionists and the Whites, was released November 13, 1920. In 1921-45 - the capital of the Crimean Autonomous Republic. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, was occupied by German troops (from 1 November 1941 to April 13, 1944). In S. operate underground party and Komsomol organizations (Secretary of the Party Committee of the underground IA Kozlov). After the war, S. restored, renovated and expanded industrial facilities. SA has become a major industrial center. The main industries - food processing (canning, wine, attar, meat and dairy, tobacco), light (knitting, cotton and paper, textile, garment, leather and footwear). Important are the engineering and metalworking (factories: manufacturing equipment for the food industry, production of TV sets, spare parts for agricultural machinery, garages, etc.), chemicals (plants: production of plastic products, household chemicals) . production of building materials. Near St. - Reservoir Power Plant them. VI Lenin. In the postwar years created a community center with a park, built-up residential areas (including the avenue of Yuri Gagarin, 1957-65, architect VP Melik-Parsadanov), built railroads Station (1953, architect A. Dushkin, etc.), the Palace of Pioneers (1971, architects BD Yabchanik, EV Kondratsky). Monument to Lenin (bronze, granite, 1967, the sculptor V. Stamov). In AS 3 higher educational institutions (including University of Simferopol), 9 secondary special educational institutions (including technical colleges rail transport, food processing, motor transport, catering, etc.). 3 theaters (Ukrainian Music and Drama, Russian Drama, puppets). Local lore, the art museums. Tourist base. Trolleybus to the South Coast of Crimea.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: помогите мне написать реферат на тему мой Симферополь на английском языке. учусь в 4 классе
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