smoking in public places сочинение

Автор NaSs задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Sagitta[гуру]
Nowadays many people are in favour of banning smoking in public places, businesses also inhibit smoking in their offices, even the government considers a complete ban on smoking. It seems we declare war on smokers. Is it right? For me it is obvious that it must be so(it is the right thing to do). First of all, as we know, smoking causes irreparable harm not only to (the) smokers, but also to people who surround them, that is why it is easy to explain (understandable) why people unite in their fight against smoking. I do not think that it will be pleasant to clients who come to a (serious) company to inhale cigarette smoke. For example, there are many cases when people have bouts of allergies due to cigarette smoke. However, smokers do not think so. They actually believe that in this promotion of a healthy lifestyle their rights are affected (infringed on). I can not totally agree with them: there IS a great deal of special places for smoking now, and even when you come to a restaurant waiters ask whether you smoke. If you answer yes(if you do), you will be offered a place in the smokers’ room. On the whole, this problem will be solved only if people are able(learn) to hear each other and want to do it. To my mind, there is no other choice.

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