сочинение моя любимая картина на английском

Моя любимая картина на английском

Автор Kostya Uritskiy задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Вика ******[активный]
The composition under the literature. My favourite picture — «the Sikstinsky Madonna» ba Raphael(essay)
The woman — music.
The woman — light.
“The Sikstinsky Madonna” — one of famous products of world art. This picture belongs to number of the brightest poetic images created by artists of Renaissance. The picture is as though a result of creativity of the great artist of that time of Raphael. The history of creation of this cloth is shrouded till now by secret. Has not remained neither written certificates, nor sketches. Under the official version, Raphael's picture has been written by the master for a monastery of St. Siksta in Piacenza where was before purchase by its Dresden gallery in 1754.
“The Sikstinsky Madonna” still contemporaries has been recognised by one of the greatest creations of an epoch. Thirty years later after a picture writing the well-known biographer of artists Vozrozhdenija Vazari wrote about it as about “the rare and unique thing”.
It is known also that the picture has been completely written by Raphael's hand, without the aid of pupils that was then a rarity.
The artist has represented Maria in all growth with the baby the Christ on hands. The Madonna goes down from heavens to people accompanied by St. Barbarians. Pope Sikst II as though entrusts mankind to the defender. Below, at the frame, two small angels look at the wonderful phenomenon. Behind a figure of the Madonna clouds curl and the attracting distance shines. I often look at a reproduction of this picture because it hangs on a wall in our house, but each time a picture composition amazes me with the grandeur and at the same time ingenious simplicity. Bribes me and that in Raphael's picture there are no outer effects underlining greatness of a plot as, for example, on Leonardo da Vinci's cloth "Madonna Litta" — fragments of a temple, mountains, a look of deep significance of the baby etc. Raphael, probably, has created a cloth essentially different not only from works of its predecessors, but also from the own creations written earlier.
In my opinion, Raphael has gone on a natural way of any true artist. It more and more identified beauty and perfection of the Divine with the human. It, in my opinion, gives special charm to "the Sikstinsky Madonna”. In a picture all is natural and human, though before us the mother of god. Easily and smoothly folds of clothes of Maria stream, underlining lightness of its movement. Its fine in the human mildness and affection the person awakes a reciprocal pure feeling, as at a meeting with the native person.
I hardly accept the standard interpretation of an image, as if Maria's person is fanned by light grief, a presentiment of that she has given birth to the son on sufferings for mankind etc. To me it seems, at people from Raphael's cloth look mother human and the child human. Through light of their persons the person looking at a picture comprehends the Divine in the world. Because to ennobled always it is necessary to do a way lying through barriers. I and at icons have similar feelings: if the icon is written too schematically, it does not cause in me reciprocal feeling.
Approach to human at all has not belittled religious idea “Sikstinsky Madonna” of Raphael, and has only underlined humanistic depth of thought of the artist.
Realistic and humanistic aspirations of such artists of Renaissance as Raphael, have broken the conditional scheme of the medieval church image, have given to the Madonna with the baby deeply human image of happy and healthy motherhood which is deprived any mystical aura and full pure terrestrial charm. Therefore in our house as if the good and humanity talisman, hangs on a wall my favourite picture “Sikstinsky Madonna”.

Ответ от Expat[гуру]
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а вот этаа.. .позвольте спросить.. .после

Ответ от Монти Пайтон[гуру]
Sistine Madonna belongs to the most prominent of world art pieces ever brought into being. Beyond all doubt, this painting is to be considered one of the most memorable artistic images created in Renaissance, which, in a certain sense, draws a line to the

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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