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Сочинение на английском "мой кумир"/"my role model". Можно прямо из интернета и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Диана Климова[гуру]
everyone has a role model in their life. They could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, or a sports hero. They could be the D.A.R.E officer who works in your school. He could be someone you read about in a book.
A role model is hard to define, because it can be different for everyone. Who your role model is depends as much on you as it does on the person you admire. Often, it is someone you would like to be like when you get older, or someone who does something you find hard to do.
They might be somebody who performs outstanding volunteer work. They might be a community leader. They might be your mentor. Maybe they are generous and kind. Maybe they performed an extraordinary feat or accomplishment. They might be someone in your neighborhood, or someone in another country.
Typically, a role model is brave, smart, strong, kind, thoughtful and fun. Not that every role model is perfect. Unless it is someone out of a storybook, role models are people who might be outstanding in only one or two areas. Or maybe it is someone who is far less than perfect, but is working to improve himself or herself.
**My dad inspired me to write this. He has taken such a big role in my life. Whatever I needed even if it was on the other side of the world my dad would go get it. I love him with all my heart. He always makes sure I do my best in whatever I do. Even though it might be hard or tiring my dad makes me do it, I know it's the best for me. My dad is the PERFECT role model because he is everything a role model should be, loving, funny, serious, nice to be around, and smart.
The person I want to be like is my counselor. She helps me work out my problems. When I am feeling down she helps me and talks things through with me. I love her and I will miss her next year when she is not my counselor.
Officer Corriveau wherever you are thanks for the inspiration and thank you Mrs. Claytor for being there for me.
My Role Model
My role model is not one person, but an entire group of people. My role models are the men and women of the Police Department of every country and every nation. I look up to these people because it is the fact that I long to be just like them. When I get older I want to be just like the men and women I so admire.
My love for the police force and all they do for us started when I was maybe 9 in fifth grade. An Officer by the name of Leone, came to my school and taught us all about how to stay away from drugs and violence and how Police Officers are more than what you assume just by seeing an Officer.
And that's when it all started, my longing to be just like them, I think they are brave and strong and in all aspects Heroes and Heroines. I look up to them and want to be just like the strong, courageous people of the Force. They risk their lives for us everyday and selflessly give their lives trying to keep our cities and countries and our world safe.
So, that is my choice for my role model. They are more to me than the Officers you sometimes see behind the wheel of a patrol car, they are the men and women who keep us from harm and all of them are true heroes and heroines.
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