спальня по английски

Автор Артём Карпиков задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Как по английски будет: и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от
1. In her apartment has a bedroom. Your apartment has a bedroom?
2. In my room there are two beds. In his room there is a sofa?
3. In our apartment there is a kitchen and bathroom. Their apartment has a bathroom?
4. In his apartment has a living room. In your apartment has a living?
5. In their apartment has a dining room. In your apartment has a dining room?

Ответ от Stanislawa[гуру]
1.There is a bedroom in her apartment .Is there a bedroom in your apartment ?
2. there are two beds in my room. Is there a sofa in his room ?
3.there is a kitchen and a bathroom in our apartment . Is there a bathroom in their apartment ?
4.there is a living room in his apartment . Is there a living room in your apartment?
5. there is a dining room in their apartment . Is there a dining room in your apartment ?

Ответ от *** ***[гуру]
1.In her apartment features a bedroom. Your apartment has a bedroom?
2.In my room there are two beds. In his room there is a sofa?
3.In our apartment there is a kitchen and a bathroom. In the apartment there is a bathroom?
4.His apartment has a living room. Your apartment has a living room?
5.In their apartment features a dining area. Your apartment has a dining room?

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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