спрос и предложение перевод на английский

Автор Макс Иващук задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Проверьте пожалуста правильность перевода с русского на английский, заранее огромное спасибо! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Excelsior[гуру]
Я взял в квадратные скобки те части вашего текста, которые надо убрать. Добавления - заглавными буквами. Marketing manager should consider: Competitors\' prices. He should compare the prices of all competitors and [to] summarize, whose products have enjoyed success, and what price is [the most satisfied] MOST SATISFACTORY FOR customers. Naturally, [the price of the product selects] only the marketing manager SELECTS THE PRODUCT PRICE, and he is not [obliged] UNDER OBLIGATION to take into account the prices of [competing] COMPETITORS\' products. Supply and demand. When making pricing decisions, IT is very important to take into account the demand for goods. If [the goods are] A PRODUCT IS in demand at a specified price and at the same time brings a good profit, then the price of the product is optimal. Marketers must also take into account the phenomenon of elasticity. Costs. Expenses [is a lot of] ARE AN important factor in the pricing decisions. Producers should always remember that the price of the product on the market must be greater than the cost of its production, but AT THE SAME TIME IT MUST BE OPTIMAL, SO THAT THE [it is optimal to] demand for the product[s was] WOULD BE high. Competition. The most important part that marketers should take into consideration is the competitive structure of the industry. If the competitors in t[his] THAT industry [for] ARE many, the new company will HAVE A HARD TIME TAKING [be pretty hard to take] a leading position in the market without [some features] HAVING A CERTAIN DISTINCTIVE FEATURE. If THE NUMBER OF companies in the industry is small, it is worth EXAMINING [to trace] whether a monopoly EXISTS in [this] THAT industry. А вообще-то, у вас хороший перевод. Согласен с Андреем.

Ответ от Anker[активный]
Всё очень хорошо ( вам в переводчики надо) , по-моему всё правильно.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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