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Ответ от Ђанюша Сушко[гуру]
Night Rainbow
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The night sky had been painted by toddlers
Some stars were complete with points and edges
Others were just overlapping lines
A rainbow hung from Orion's belt like a boomerang
The crescent moon was the sail to the ship you floated into my heart
Still drying drops of paint fell gently onto our hands as they locked together again
A low-key baptism for this rekindled relationship
The trees were feathered with leaves
The pigeons swapped for peacocks
The statues of London exhaled
The statues of London inhaled
The statues of London exhaled
The statues of London inhaled
Robert Auton
This is London
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The dark cold alleyways,
The cold cobbled streets,
The hum of the city,
This is London
As dawn breaks slowly,
And lights the dark city,
Civilians rush about in a hurry,
This is London
The blaring of horns,
The air of fumes,
The smell of dampness
This is London
The tourists flock from all directions,
Getting their memorable moments captured,
Big Ben towers over the old tired buildings,
This is London
Double deckers rush by
As do taxis
People running, always running
This is London
The Eye glares slowly out across the river
Buckingham guards carefully over the Queen
The chapels in Kensington packed to the rafters
This is London
Beggars lie in the street
Half heartedly cupping their hands
Booths with advertisements for all kinds of action
This is London
Never a dull moment
Never a quiet one
Not here where people are running
Always running
Silent Dogwood
The Oldest Thing In London
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A thousand landmarks perish,
A hundred streets grow strange;
With all the dreams they cherish
They go the ways of change;
But, whatso towers may tumble,
And whatso bridges fall,
And whatso statues crumble
Of folk both great and small,
The Oldest Thing in London he changes not at all.
The shoutings of the foeman,
The groanings of the slain,
The galley of the Roman,
The longship of the Dane,
The warring of the nations,
The judgment of the Lord
On heedless generations
In plague and fire and sword,
The Oldest Thing in London has known them and endured.
When London wall was builded
And London stone was new,
When first Paul's spire rose gilded
And gleaming in the blue,
Ere Holbein yet was christened,
When no one dreamed of Wren,
And clear the Ty-bourne glistened
And the Fleet was seen of men
The Oldest Thing in London was not much younger then.
New Londons rise like bubbles,
Like bubbles break and pass,
Or some dark dream that troubles
A wizard's magic glass;
A little while they hustle
And glitter in the sun,
And feast and fret and bustle
And chaffer, and have done -
The Oldest Thing in London he sees them every one.
No stones so strong to weather
Sun's heat or winter's blast
But time and man together
May tear them down at last;
The toughest rafters moulder,
The stoutest beams decay,
But he seems little older
From day to changing day -
The Oldest Thing in London that passes not away.
Each day to her, his daughter,
On each returning tide
He brings as first he brought her
Her dower of wealth and pride;
Twice daily, now as ever
At London's feet is laid
By London's ancient river
The burthen of her trade
By London's ancient river -
Way-hay, you London River!
The Oldest Thing in London, whereby was London made!
Cicely Fox Smith

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