Автор Миха Шаповалов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
10 основных предложений про Стоунхендж на англ. языке и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Konbanwa[гуру]
А что это за "основные предложения"? И почему их 10? Может, заповеди христовы?
Ответ от Stanislawa[гуру]
Stonehenge is a strange and mysterious relic from the past. Unlike
hilltop forts and roads built by Romans, Stonehenge has no obvious
purpose or counterpart in today's culture.
The word Stonehenge means "hanging rocks". it is a large circle of
stones that form trilithon archways. Although not all the stones remain
intact, or upright, based on the structure it has been guessed to once
have been a full circle of arches.
Where is Stonehenge?
Stonehenge is located on Salisbury Plain in southern ссылка.
Today, what is left of the megalith stands in a grassy field in the
Wiltshire countryside. The rocks themselves are said to have come from
Ireland and Wales.
Today the monument is surrounded by a ссылка to prevent damage and desecration and conserve this piece of ancient history for others to view.
Stonehenge is a strange and mysterious relic from the past. Unlike
hilltop forts and roads built by Romans, Stonehenge has no obvious
purpose or counterpart in today's culture.
The word Stonehenge means "hanging rocks". it is a large circle of
stones that form trilithon archways. Although not all the stones remain
intact, or upright, based on the structure it has been guessed to once
have been a full circle of arches.
Where is Stonehenge?
Stonehenge is located on Salisbury Plain in southern ссылка.
Today, what is left of the megalith stands in a grassy field in the
Wiltshire countryside. The rocks themselves are said to have come from
Ireland and Wales.
Today the monument is surrounded by a ссылка to prevent damage and desecration and conserve this piece of ancient history for others to view.
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: 10 основных предложений про Стоунхендж на англ. языке
спросили в Birmingham Classic Irish Classic
Английский 9 класс
Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad _________DECIDED_________ that we should
Английский 9 класс
Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad _________DECIDED_________ that we should
Близ какого города находится Стоунхэндж?
Стоунхендж находится в графстве Уилтшир, в окрестностях Солсбери. Ближайшие автострады – А303 и
спросили в Bain Capital
Englishspeakers! Could you check these sentences? I'm not sure that I used verbs correctly. Thanks!
1. have known ( с момента в прошлом и до сего дня)
2. take (nowadays - в настоящее время, все
Englishspeakers! Could you check these sentences? I'm not sure that I used verbs correctly. Thanks!
1. have known ( с момента в прошлом и до сего дня)
2. take (nowadays - в настоящее время, все