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Ответ от Ирина Плоскирева[новичек]
Текст нормальный, учебный. Last night we went to a football match. We took a bus. The bus was overcrowded as many people wanted to see the match. We got off the bus and went to the stadium. While we were crossing the road I saw Victor. He was standing at the corner. He said he was waiting for his friend who had come to Moscow the day before and wished to see the new stadium. A man came up to me and asked if I had a spare ticket. Victor told us that two boys had just asked him whether he had a spare ticket. We entered the stadium just as the football players were coming out on to the field. At the entrance to the stadium we met Sergei. He showed us to our seats and asked me if I played football in my childhood. We agreed to meet in the snack bar during the interval.
Last night we went to a football match. We took a bus. The bus was overcrowded as many people wanted to see the match. We got off the bus and went in the stadium. While we were crossing the road I saw Victor. He was standing at the corner. He said he was
Если помогать школьникам делать уроки - т. е. делать их уроки вместо них - какие специалисты у нас будут - на двойку и тройку? Пусть каждый учится самостоятельно. Тот, кто им "помогает" - то им вредит. И всем нам тоже.
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