текст песни october and april

October and april текст песни

Автор Анастасия задал вопрос в разделе Музыка

Есть у вас текст песни The Rasmus & Anette Olzon - October And April? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ....[активный]
Текст песни The Rasmus feat Anette Olzon - October and April She was like April skies, sunrise in her eyes Child of light, shining star, fire in her heart Brightest day, melting snow, breaking through the chill October and April He was like frozen sky in October night Darkest cloud, endless storm, raining from his heart Coldest month, deepest pure, tearing down the spring October and April Like hate and love World\'s apart This fatal love was like poison right from the start Like light and dark World\'s apart This fatal love was like poison right from the start We were like loaded guns Sacrificed our lives We were like love undone Craving to entwine Fatal touch Final thrill Love was bound to kill October and April Like hate and love World\'s apart This fatal love was like poison right from the start Like light and dark World\'s apart This fatal love was like poison right from the start

Ответ от Илья Меновский[новичек]
October And April She was like April sky Sunrise in her eyes Child of light, shining star Fire in her heart Brightest day, melting (snow) Breaking through the chill October and April He was like frozen sky In

Ответ от Наталия Романова[активный]
October And April (оригинал The Rasmus )Октябрь и апрель (перевод Dan_UndeaD из Northrend ) i She was like April sky Sunrise in her eyes Child of light, shining star Fire in her heart Brightest day, melting (snow) Breaking thr

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спросили в Музыка Дуэты
Красивые дуэты, песни, которые вас впечатлили за последнее время??
The Rasmus feat. Anette Olzon – October And April
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спросили в Музыка Edenbridge
а какие вы знаете песенки о воде??
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