текст про витамины на английском языке

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Ответ от Suny Bany[гуру]
The history of the vitamins
The importance of some forms of food for averting the specific diseases was known still in the antiquity. Thus, ancient Egyptians knew that the liver helps from the night blindness. It is now known that the night blindness can be caused by a deficiency in the vitamin A. In 1330 in Peking Mongolian Hu Sykhuey published three-volume labor “important principles of food and beverages”, that systematized knowledge about the therapeutic role of nourishment and asserted the need for for the health combining diverse products.
In 1747 Scottish doctor James Linda opened the property of citrus fruits to prevent scurvy. In 1753 it published treatise “the treatment of scurvy”. However, these views obtained acknowledgement not immediately. Nevertheless James Cook in practice proved the role of plant food in averting of scurvy, after introducing into the ship ration acid cabbage. As a result it lost from scurvy not of one sailor - unprecedented reaching for that time. In 1795 lemons and other citrus fruits they became standard additive to the ration of British. it served as the appearance of an extremely offensive nickname for the sailors schisandra. Are known so-called. the lemon riots: sailors ejected outside the barrel with the lemon juice.
In 1880 Russian biologist Nikolai [Lunin] from the Tartu university fed to experimental mice separately all known elements, of which consists the cow's milk: sugar, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salt. Mice perished. At the same time mouse, which they fed with milk, normally they were developed. In its dissertation (diploma) work Of [lunin] made the conclusion about existence of some unknown substance, necessary for the life in small quantities. The conclusion Of [lunina] was accepted in the bayonets by scientific association. Other scientists could not reproduce its results. One of the reasons was in the fact that [Lunin] used cane sugar, while other researchers they used the milk sugar, badly purified and which contains certain quantity of vitamin B.
during the subsequent years they were stored data, which testify about existence of vitamins. Thus, in 1889 Dutch doctor Christian [Eykman] revealed that the hens with the nourishment by boiled white rice fall ill with beriberi, and - they are cured during the addition to the food of rice bran. The role of the unpurified rice in averting of beriberi in people is opened in 1905 by William Fletcher. In 1906 Frederick [Khopkins] assumed that besides the proteins, the fats, carbohydrates and T. d. food contains still some substances, necessary for the human organism, which it named “accessory of factors”. Last step was conducted in 1911 by Polish scientific Casimir by Funk, who worked in London. It isolated the crystalline preparation, whose small quantity cured by beriberi. Preparation was named “Vitamayn”, from the the Latin of vita - life and English of amine - amine, the nitrogen-bearing connection. Funk assumed as other illnesses - scurvy, pellagra, rachitis - also can be caused by a deficiency in some substances.
In 1920 Jack Cecil Drummond proposed to remove “e” from the word “of vitamine”, because the recently open vitamin C did not contain aminic component. So [vitamayny] became vitamins.
In 1929 Khopkins and Eykman for the discovery of vitamins obtained the Nobel Prize, but Lunin and Funk - did not obtain. Lunin became pediatrician, and his role in the discovery of vitamins was for a long time forgotten. In 1934 in Leningrad took place the first All-Union conference on the vitamins, to which Lunin was not invited.
In 1910- e, 1920- e and 1930 were opened other vitamins. The chemical structure of vitamins was deciphered in 1940.Источник:

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