текст рыба на английском

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Ответ от Lina Ka[гуру]
All About Fish.
The 25,000 known species of fish are divided into three main groups. They are the jawless, the cartilaginous (KAR-ti-LAJ-i-nus) and the bony fish. Jawless fish are the last survivors of the world's first vertebrate (VUR-ta-bret) animals, which means back-boned". They lack both scales and jaws. Dating from over 5000 million years ago, only the hagfish and lampreys remain.
Cartilaginous fish developed about 100 million years later, ancestors of today's sharks. The skeleton of these fish is made of cartilage (KART-laj), which is not as hard as bone. These fish have jaws, as well as teeth which are usually hard and sharp. Their bodies are covered with hard scales.
Bony fish—fish with bony skeletons—appeared at the same time as cartilaginous fish. They are the largest group, with about 20,000 species. These fish have an organ called a swim bladder which gives the animal buoyancy (BOY-en-see), the ability to float.
All fish live in water and breathe with gills. Fish are cold-blooded, which means their internal body temperature changes as the surrounding temperature changes. "
Источник: http://www.iwrc-online.org/kids/Facts/Fish/fish.htm

Ответ от DarkSide LeBeroN[новичек]
Рыба, сука молчиливая))

Ответ от Ёаша Дербаремдикер[гуру]
A story about fishing.one day a boy caught three big fish, but when he was going home, he met a big bad boy who had stolen three fish.the boy cried, but decided to return to the lake and so he was able to catch four fish.When he reachd his hou

Ответ от Irina[гуру]
"Про АКУЛ"The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is a huge filter feeding shark which grows to be up to about 33 feet (10 m) long. It is the second largest shark (after the whale shark). The basking shark is also called the sunfish, the bone shark

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