тексты по биологии на английском языке

Биология тексты на английском

Автор Ѓльяна задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от ЁергейЛ[гуру]
The possibilities are endless..
Biology is the study of life and living things. It is actually a multi-science composed of many disciplines unifiedby the fact that all living things - plants, animals, and microorganisms - follow the same fundamental laws of heredity, reproduction, growth, development, self-maintenance and response. Zoology focuses on interests in animal biology, covering a spectrum from traditional natural history and field biology to the mammalian biology underlying medical research. In spite of its traditional place as a subdivision of biology, zoology has, through its animal orientation, fostered some of the most relevant and exciting research being conducted today: in immunology and immunogenetics, in hormonal action, in genetic regulation in development, and in animal behavior and social structure. Many of these are concerns shared by functionally oriented departments or fields, but zoology is the focal point of all.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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