the east

Middle текст

Автор IMPULSE LIFE задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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The date of Moscow's founding was April 4, 1147, that was period when Moscow was first mentioned in Russian chronicles.The Kremlin now is Moscow's geographical, historical and political centre.Moscow is located in the middle of the East European Plain.Moscow occupies more than 1,000 square kilometers.The city extends for 42 kilometers from the North to the South and for 35 kilometers from the East to the West. Nowdays more than 10 million people are living in Moscow. Furthermore in Moscow nowdays locates different public buildings, such as House of Government well known as White House, and prime minister offices. Also there are different historical and cultural places there, like Kremlin, the Red Square, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Bolshoi Theater, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and others. And last but not the least there are a lot of offices of different international companies based in Moscow. So we can say that Moscow nowdays is multifaceted city .
Я не слишком сократила но немного переделала, так что на пересказ текст как раз вышел .

Ответ от Dima dima[новичек]
Насколько сильно надо сокращать?)
Moscow is located in the middle of the East European Plain and occupies more than 1,000 square kilometers. 10 million people are now living in Moscow. As the capital of Russia, Moscow is the seat of the national government.
The date of Moscow's founding was April 4, 1147. The Kremlin now is Moscow's geographical, historical and political centre. The official symbol of Moscow is a dark-red shield.
Moscow carries out trading communications with about 200 countries. About 100 international exhibitions and fairs take place in Moscow every year.
The climate in Moscow is temperate continental. It is hot summers and cold winters.
Plenty of Squares, galleries, theaters, museums, attract tourists.

Ответ от Мираж[гуру]
выбЕрЕте - будущее время
выберИте! - повелительное наклонение

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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