the fax machine has broken

Автор Ђанюша Савчина задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Альберт[гуру]
1. If you go to Egypt, you can see the Sphinx.
2. If John left earlier, he would've gotten there on time.
3. If she uses the factor 12 suntan lotion, she won't get sunburnt.
4. If the fax machine wasn't broken, i wouldn't have to send it by post.
5. If you call her, she might feel better.
6. Providing the president resigns, there will be an election.
7. If more tickerts aren't sold, the concert will be cancelled.
8. Unless you're prepared to accept a lower offer you will have trouble selling your house.

Ответ от WockeZ[гуру]
You need to go to Egypt to see the Sphinx - тебе надо поехать в египет и увидеть сфинкса.

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