the lion and the mouse текст

Автор Данил Гюмюшлю задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Maria Leonova[гуру]
A little mouse awakened a lion. The lion got angry and wanted to swallow the mouse. The mouse asked the lion to forgive him, and said that he could help himwhen he got into trouble. The lion was amazed and let him go. Once the lion was captured by hunters, and the little mouse saved him. He gnawed through the ropes, and thus proved the fact that small friends can help big friends

Ответ от ?ahmasp I[гуру]
One little mouse awakened lion. Lion angry and wanted him to swallow. The Mouse asked the lion to forgive him, and said that he could help him when he gets into trouble. Leo was amazed and let him go. One lion was captured by hunters, and a little mouse had saved him. He bit the cord, and proved that young friends can help a great friend.

Ответ от Konbanwa[гуру]
A little mouse awakened a lion. The lion got angry and wanted to swallow the mouse. The mouse asked the lion to forgive him, and said that he could help himwhen he got into trouble. The lion was amazed and let him go. Once the lion was captured by hunters, and the little mouse saved him. He gnawed through the ropes, and thus proved the fact that a small friend can help a big friend.

Ответ от Belena[гуру]
Здесь нужен зачин: Once upon a time a little mouse awoke a lion.

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