the monopolies and mergers commission consists of

Автор Марина Булиенко задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

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Вариант 3. the Secretariat of States;
The power to order that a merger shall not go ahead lies with the Secretariat of States;
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the duty to keep situations under review where there might be a merger situation calling for investigation is on the DG. Many companies seek the confidential guidance of the OFT as to whether the DG might advise the Secretary of State to make a merger reference to the Commission. It is the duty of the DG to make a recommendation to the Secretary of State, who will in turn make any reference to the Commission - the DG may not refer merger situations personally.The Secretary of State may make a reference when it appears to him that two or more enterprises (one at least in the UK) have ceased to be distinct enterprises. He must also be of the view that, as a result, either a monopoly situation is or would be created (that is, one-quarter of the market would be supplied) or the value of the assets taken over exceeds £5m. If the merger has already taken place, it must have been within the six months prior to the reference...
the monopolies and mergers commission consists of

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