they arrested us after breakfast

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Ответ от татьяна якимова[гуру]
my day off.
In the morning I wake up at 9 o clock
Get dressed, wash my face and then go to have breakfast.
After breakast I wash dishes and do the bed.
After all this I start cleaning at home.
First I feed my birds and then wash the floors and clean the dust.
After cleaning I through our the grabage.
Then I cook food.
After food is ready I call everybody for supper.
After supper I do the table and we all go outside.
Walk a bit and go home.
Before we go to bed we drink tea.
Then we go to bed.
This is my day off/

Ответ от Алексей Виданов[активный]
My day off.
In the morning I rise at 9 o'clock.
I put on, wash and then I go to have breakfast.
After a breakfast I wash utensils and then I fill bed.
After that all I start to clean houses.
First I shall feed the birdies and then I wash floors
Also I wipe a dust.
After cleaning I throw out dust.
The ambassador I prepare to eat.
As I shall be going, all I call for a table by a supper.
After a supper I clean from a table, then all of us go on street.
Let's take a walk it is a little, and then we go home.
Before dream we drink tea.
And then I lie down to sleep.
This My day off.

Ответ от Леонид Гартенштейн[гуру]
Сама переводи такую дрянь !
Как вы только свое образование получаете....

Ответ от Lita ...[гуру]
мда.. уж.. ученики блинннн... нет слов... вы хоть чтонить то знаете???

Ответ от Lev Pcholka[активный]
это - окончательный вариант.
Редактировал его Американец - мой знакомый.
Возможно вкралась ошибка, второпях было.
My day off.
I wake up at 9am.
I dress and wash myself and then I have breakfast.
After breakfast I wash the dishes and then I make my bed.
After that I begin to clean my house.
First I feed my birds and after that I wash the floor and dust.
After cleaning I take out the garbage.
After that I make lunch.
When I am done I invite everybody to supper.
After supper I clean off the table and we all go outside.
We take a little walk and then we go home.
Before going to bed we all have tea,
then to sleep.
That is my day off.

Ответ от Наталья Иванова[гуру]
My day off. In the morning I rise at 9 o'clock. I put on, wash and then I go to have breakfast. After a breakfast I wash utensils and then I fill bed. After that all I start to clean houses. First I shall feed the birdies and then I wash floors and I wipe a dust. After cleaning I throw out dust. After I prepare to eat. As I shall prepare, all to call for a table by a supper. After a supper I clear the table, then all of us we go on street. We shall take a walk a little, and then we go home. Before a dream we drink tea. And then we go to bed. Here my day off.

Ответ от Malinnick[гуру]
У меня всё точно, другие калькой перевели! И глаголов нет в некоторых предложениях, в английском нет назывных и безличных предложений (когда только существит. или глагол есть) !
It is my off day.
I get up at 9 o'clock at the mornig.
I dress up, have a wash and then have breakfast.
After all of that I start to clean up.
Firstly, I feed my birds and then I mop the floor and dust a room(вытирать пыль в комнате) / wipe dust.
After cleaning I throw the trash away.
After that I cook.
I call everybody to (supper) dinner after I had prepared the (meal) food.
After dinner I clean up and then (all of us) we together go (to the street - дословно) for a walk.
We walk for sometimes and then go home.
Before sleep we have tea.
And then we go to bed.
This is my off day.

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