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Zoos. The Wildlife Time Capsule.
Think of a zoo and of animals imprisoned in cages is what usually comes to mind. Fortunately, a revolution has been taking place in zoos across Europe, and it looks as though things will never be the same again. This is fantastic news for the animals, who are seeing their concrete cages gradually disappear and are enjoying greatly improved living conditions which are as close to their natural habitats as possible.
A new set of guidelines, called the European Union Zoo Directive, is coming into effect. It has already forced zoos to review their role in animal welfare. Recently British zoos have created natural environments where the animals are happy to live. They use water and other natural barriers as well as hidden fences to separate the animals from each and from the visitors.
The new conservation role of zoos involves the breeding of endangered species in captivity. This is carried out in cooperation with other zoos. Together they try to maintain the animals’ health as well as increase their numbers.
This is an exciting time for Europe’s zoos. Their new roles mean that they can become a time capsule, preserving and increasing the numbers and life expectancy of much of wildlife.
Greenhouses for the Future.
How can we encourage people to understand and care for nature now and in the future The Eden Project at St Austell in Cornwall is a magnificent example of how nature can be protected and appreciated at the same time.
The project is mostly made up of three separate domes, or “biomes”. These biomes are like special greenhouses and contain plant life and ecosystems from around the world.
The Humid Tropic Biome contain plants from hot, wet places such as the Amazon region, West Africa, Malaysia and Oceania. The Warm Temperate Biome houses plants from warm, dry areas such as California, South Africa and the Mediterranean. The third biome has no roof because it contains plants that are suitable for the cool, wet British climate. All of the plants in the biomes are grown from seeds and cutting that are collected from plants all over the world.
Only certain birds, insects and reptiles that fit within each environment have been included in the ecosystems. Together with other schemes, the Eden Project carries out breeding programmes to try to preserve endangered species.
With its strange glass structures, the Eden Project looks more like a space station than anything you would expect to see in Cornwall. However, it is an exciting new look into the natural world.
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