to ensure перевод

Автор Marat задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский: дайте синонимы словам: to display, to ensure, meeting room и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Марасанова Анна[гуру]
1. to display
Определение: public showing; spectacle
Синонимы: act, affectation, arrangement, array, arrayal, blaze, bravura, dash, demonstration, example, exhibit, exhibition, expo, exposition, exposure, fanfare, flourish, for show, frame-up, frippery, front, grandstand play, layout, manifestation, ostentation, ostentatiousness, pageant, panorama, parade, pedantry, pomp, presentation, pretension, pretentiousness, revelation, sample, scheme, shine, showboat, splash, splendor, splurge, spread, unfolding, vanity
2. to ensure
Определение: guarantee; make secure
Синонимы: arrange, assure, certify, cinch, clinch, confirm, effect, establish, guard, insure, lock on, lock up, make certain, make safe, make sure, nail down, okay, protect, provide, put on ice, safeguard, secure, set out, warrant
3. a meeting room
Определение: office meeting space
Синонимы: boardroom, conference room

Ответ от Д[гуру]
не знаю, извините

Ответ от Vladimir Black[гуру]
to display - present, demonstrate, exhibit, expose
to ensure - assure, guarantee, promise, undertake, secure
meeting room - conference room, boardroom

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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