топик интернет

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Топик на тему "компьютеры и интернет" и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Јла Саша по шоссе...[гуру]
1. Internet in daily life
More and more people nowadays are interested to be known about all events, in taking some information quickly. With the help of Internet you can make it easily. Back in the 1960th, at the time of cold war, Pentagon asked a question: “How can could orders be issued to the armed forces in the U.S. were ravaged by a nuclear assault?” The communication ways at that time – the telephone, which connected offices, the radio and TV stations – were not only vulnerable to attack, they would also probably the first to go. Pentagon needed military systems that would continue to work even the phones and radio had broken down. In 1964 Paul Baran connected 4 computers in different patts of the USA and posted a message. You couldn’t destroy Internet – if some computers will be broken down, the rest will work well. Nobody owns the Internet, and no organization controls its use. Now millions of people around the world are logging into libraries, call up satellite weather photos, download computer programs and music, take part in discussion groups. Even the Presidents have their own Internet accounts. In fact, anyone with modem connected to the phone line can enjoy Internet. The total number of people in Russia , who get into Internet, due the Putin’s statistics, is 10 million. In the modern Europe this number is muck more – there are more than 200 million Internet users. Internet users are unimpressed by television promise of 500 channel future. The Internet already delivers 100.000 channels for all interests. In future all technics will be connected to the Internet. Now we can connect with Internet mobile phone, photo camera, palm computers and even alarm clock. Now we can be connected with all the world everywhere – in the bus, underground and even on the north pole
2. Sport and healthy living guide
They say, "Health is above wealth." One of the first duties we owe to ourselves is to keep our bodies in perfect health. If your body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unable to make much progress in knowledge, and we are unfit to perform those duties, which are required of us in social life.
There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that even a child can learn them. A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. All the powers (mental and bodily) we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by disuse. Moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, enough sleeping time (not less than 7-8 hours a day), regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness lay the foundations for health and long healthy happy life.
Thousands of people consider sports to be very helpful in gaining good health. That's why every country pays much attention to developing sports. It is sport that helps to bring up physically strong, strong-willed, courageous and energetic people.
In the last ten years recreational sport has become extremely popular, and, according to doctors is absolutely essential for a long and healthy life.
The reasons of this enormous interest in sport of all kinds are varied. When you ask people why they spend so much time, effort, and sometimes money, they will talk about the physical benefits (feeling fit, increasing stamina, sleeping better, the chance of living a more active life), psychological benefits (self-discipline and respect, a sense of personal achievement, relaxation, getting rid of aggression), and the social advantages (meeting people with similar interests, the team spirit). However, the social aspect seems to be more important for men than for women. Very often, enjoying a drink with friends after the match is as important for the former as a physical activity itself. The latter generally see sport as a way of keeping fit rather than anything else.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Топик на тему "компьютеры и интернет"
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Топик имеет разные значения:
От англ. topic — «тема» от др. -греч.
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Топик это тема. А прилеплена, это значит что
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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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