translate the sentences from russian into english

Back away перевод

Автор Uliana задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
Fill in the gaps. Use on, over, up, back, away.
1. Some people get___UP____late every day.
2. What's your news? How are you getting ON?.
3. My friend broke her leg last year. She soon got___OVER____it.
4. Mr Smart was very angry because he didn't like to live in a little village, but he couldn't get___AWAY___.
5. Father went to Kaliningrad, but he promised to get BACK next week.
С 1 Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. "Где Мэри? " — "Она простудилась вчера". - Where is Mary? She caught (a) cold yesterday. (She got chilled...)
2. Когда она выздоровеет, мы пойдем в поход. - When she recovers (gets over), we'll go on hiking.
3. Становится темно. Возьми фонарик. - It's getting dark. Take a light (a flashlight).
4. "Где ты была в 6 часов? " — "Я не мог тебе дозвониться". - Where were you at 6 o'clock? I couldn't get you on the phone (I failed to get through to you).

Ответ от Ѐинат[эксперт]
up, on, back, away - vrode tak))
а для перевода попробуй промт. ру

Ответ от Андрей Вознюк[новичек]
1 UP
3 ON

Ответ от Нигина Сеитова[новичек]
Зайди на переводчик маила и всё будет понятно

Ответ от Lyckol[гуру]
1. up
2. by
3. on
5. back
1. Where is Mary? She got a cold yesterday.
2. When she gets better, we will go hiking.
3. It's getting dark. take a flashlight with you.
4. where were you at 6 int he evening? i couldn't reach you on the phone.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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