transport for tomorrow перевод текста

Автор Toyota_Supra задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Iriska960103[гуру]
Everyone hopes that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. We all believe that our problems will be resolved. But correctly say that the future starts today. If we want it to be happy, you now need to do something for this.
In my opinion, in a global sense we are all standing on the threshold of a good future, because our current opportunities are great. We are free themselves can build their lives. Science deepens our knowledge about the world, improved technology, develop means of communication. All this may help to ensure that humanity will solve all the existing problems and build a prosperous future for all.
My world of tomorrow is not quite like the fantastic pictures from the movies. I'd like to see in the future, we decided environmental problems, serious illnesses, poverty. So the factories do not pollute the environment, everywhere planted trees, protected plants and animals. In the future we should live in a clean and comfortable cities and ride safe transport. People should do everything to preserve nature, and in addition by eating healthy food and breathing fresh air, to work in normal conditions. All this will make us more healthy and help avoid diseases.
And besides, I hope people in the future world will be happier. They will have more free time, so they will be able to do what I love.
As for me, I understand that no one man can make a better world. So everyone needs to work on himself, to develop the desired quality. Go to College, get a profession, to broaden their horizons. And in order to be happy, man needs not only space technology, but the warmth and friendship of close friends. If we all nice to each other, our world will be better right now.

Ответ от Кристина Рубцова[новичек]
Everyone hopes that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. We all believe that our problems will be resolved. But correctly say that the future starts today. If we want it to be happy, you now need to do something for this.
In my opinion, in a global sense we are all standing on the threshold of a good future, because our current opportunities are great. We are free themselves can build their lives. Science deepens our knowledge about the world, improved technology, develop means of communication. All this may help to ensure that humanity will solve all the existing problems and build a prosperous future for all.
My world of tomorrow is not quite like the fantastic pictures from the movies. I'd like to see in the future, we decided environmental problems, serious illnesses, poverty. So the factories do not pollute the environment, everywhere planted trees, protected plants and animals. In the future we should live in a clean and comfortable cities and ride safe transport. People should do everything to preserve nature, and in addition by eating healthy food and breathing fresh air, to work in normal conditions. All this will make us more healthy and help avoid diseases.
And besides, I hope people in the future world will be happier. They will have more free time, so they will be able to do what I love.
As for me, I understand that no one man can make a better world. So everyone needs to work on himself, to develop the desired quality. Go to College, get a profession, to broaden their horizons. And in order to be happy, man needs not only space technology, but the warmth and friendship of close friends. If we all nice to each other, our world will be better right now.

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