
Ideal upbringing

Автор Unknown задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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2. An ideal upbringing would be full of unconditional love, supportive and respectful of each other, as well as open/honest communication. There never would be a perfect way because if it was that way you would want something different than you had. I think a good upbringing will make you strong, healthy, respectful, and proud to be who you are. Money has nothing to do with it, it is based on love. To bring up a child in the best environment you must begin with 2 mentally healthy parents (under the age of 40) who are married and are educated and love each other. You should not have more than two children as it is just selfish. The world is over populated, you need only to replace yourself. deal upbringing, children learn what we teach them, if we live what we teach, your children will have a choice in life. Some children grow up in disfunctional homes carrying that into adult hood, people seem to do what ever they want too do, but an ideal upbringing, they have a choice

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