валентинки на английском для детей

Английские валентинки с переводом

Автор Sweet Heart задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Ребенку задали сделать валентинку. Как ее сделать? Нужны стишки на английском. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
Стишки - вот они, а уж валентинку - открытку в виде сердечка сами сделаете: -)

February - Happy Valentine's Day
Funny Valentines

Boys are silly.
Girls are smart.
I love you
With all my heart.

Boys are noisy.
Girls are, too.
You like me,
And I like you.

Mama loves coffee.
Papa loves tea.
I love my teacher,
And my teacher loves me!

The birds won't sing,
The stars won't shine,
If you won't be
My valentine.

It's Valentine's Day
by Jack Prelutsky

It's Valentine's Day. And in the street
There's freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.
The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.
I don't think I'll go out today.
But here inside the weather's warm.
There is no trace of wind or storm.
And you just made the morning shine.
You said you'd be my Valentine.

A Valentine for my teacher
by Jack Prelutsky

My teacher's very special,
So I'm making her a heart.
A Valentine that's sure to be
A proper work of art.

I've worked on it all morning,
So it should be ready soon.
I'd like to slip it on her desk
Before this afternoon.

It's colored in with crayons,
And it's trimmed with paper lace
It has flowers hearts, and Cupids.
I can't wait to see her face.

Ответ от Mira[мастер]
ты в Google.ru можешь прописать : переводчик с русского на английский online
а валентинка может быть самоя простая, любое пожелание даже!!!

Ответ от Лидия Прокопенко[гуру]
Напишите по анг. Я ТЕБЯ ЛЮБЛЮ . ВЫрежте розовое сердечко. что мудрить чем проще-тем лучше. Желаю успеха.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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