вопросы на английском про работу

Автор Любовь Викторовна задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста. Ответить на вопросы про работу. Предложений десять, не больше. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Konbanwa[гуру]
так это ж тебе вопросы, а не кому-то ещё

Ответ от Александр Савенок[гуру]
1).i will take any job you can offer (because I need money) .
2).It does not matter what my friends and family would think about my choice/
3).Least of all I like a job outdoors
4).I think any, all depends on the wages
5).What's more important to you - earning lots of mOnEy or having a job you enjoy?
Им это по нраву... .

Ответ от Елена Дворецкая[гуру]
1).I'd like to be self-employed, or, if it is impossible, to have a part-time job. It will let me work whenever I want. Of course, much depends on the job chosen.
2). I belive they would be glad because we could spend much time together
3). I'd least like to work on an assembly line. Perhaps, it is interesting for sombody else and very important for the country but it's not for me: my brain will explode and die 🙁 I think all assembly lines should be robotized to free people.4). I think these are creative jobs which require team working - for example in an advertizing agency. You see, there are sets of advantages and disadvantages specific for each gender. It is well known that women are more emotional, sensitive, their colour sensation is richer, etc., men are good at making decisions and more restricted in expressing their feelings but sumultaneously quite valnerable, etc. So working in the same team they will supplement each other. Another example of such a job is (a) schoolteacher. In my opinion, it would be useful for our school system to increase the share of male schoolteachers.
5). As for me, both are important. A well-paid job will give you freedom, including the choice to help a person who got in a difficult situation, or not to, when the solution of the problem requires much money. If you have almost no money, you have almost no choice. By the way, the same can be said about your travelling around the world, and on. And to have a job which I don't engoy, is a nonsense, to my mind, and even harmful because it may cause depression and other bad things. So I deseve a well-paid interesting job :)Ну, как-то так 🙂

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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