water in our life

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Ответ от Scaramuccia[гуру]
Готовых сочинений по этой теме нет, но есть кое-что с англоязычных сайтов. Если хотя бы немного понимаешь в английском, думаю, что-то у тебя из этого получится скомпоновать=) Второй текст, наверно, посодержательнее будет, чем первый, но даю оба=) Возьми хорошие, интересные предложения, оформи как следует, и получится то, что надо.
1. What role does drinking water play in our lives?
Drinking water is a fundamental part of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on drinking water for basic survival. Water is ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as a key essential for life. The average adult body is 55-75% water and 2/3 of your body weight is water (40 to 50 quarts). A human embryo is more than 80% water. A newborn baby is 74% water. Everyday your body must replace 2 1/2 quarts of water with pure, clean drinking water.
Since such a large percentage of our bodies is water, water must obviously figure heavily in how our bodies function. We need lots of fresh drinking water to stay healthy. Aside from aiding in digestion and absorption of food, drinking water regulates body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes. This "body water," which is obtained by consuming plenty of drinking water, also cushions joints and protects tissues and organs, including the spinal cord, from shock and damage. Conversely, lack of sufficient drinking water - or dehydration - can be the cause of many ailments.
2. Importance of water in our life in this hub I will tell you how water helps us in day to day life of an individual, the maximum amount of the water present in Human body its approximately 90% of the water present in the human body, basically the body builds by a cell which contains maximum water in it,
Basically, every living thing contains the maximum of water, so all the human beings, Animals and Plants need water in a great quantity, now cleared that every living thing needs water and the water is very necessary for the life health care summit,
if you want to live a healthy life you should increase the rate of water intake in a day, drink as much as you can because water doesn't cost anything it's free and available every where, daily 2 to 3 glasses of water before the breakfast will help you in many ways like digestion, aging, etc.
Water is the best medicine for all diseases and illnesses and its not costly like some healthy product and nutrition products, if you drink water you will be healthy and energized, you will be very active and fast, you never feel dullness and weakness and your body will grow well, so please take this healthy advice and live healthy.

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