what do you usually have for lunch

Автор Max-pro задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Helena S-va[гуру]
Hi Susan,
it was nice to hear from you. So, you are getting more practical, aren't you? I mean, cooking your own meals and stuff like that? Actually, I think it's clever of you to learn how to cook.
I do believe that your pizza was the best pizza ever. Personally, I love pizza and I think it's healthy. Nearly any ingredient can be put on pizza: from pepperoni and anchovies to barbecue chicken and pineapple, let's not forget different kinds of cheese and tomato sauce. Every pizza is like a unique work of art, especially when cooked with love and care.
Pizza is certainly my favourite among fast food dishes, though I also like tacos and homemade hamburgers and sandwiches. I usually have a meat dish and some vegetables for lunch. I prefer green vegetables: broccoli, beans, spinach. It's my mum who made me get used to vegetables, otherwise I would eat only steaks))
You asked if I could cook anything. Well, I am certainly not a chef, but I can cook some pasta, or pizza, or lasagna. If you wish, I could share some of my best recipes with you.
Well, I must finish now as it is time to leave for work. You see, I have a part-time job in a coffee shop.
Stay in touch,

Ответ от Nikita Nik[гуру]
Hey, Sue! How are you? No, I do not think that pizza is a fast food, in general. For lunch I usually have

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