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WHAT MAKES A GOOD JOURNALIST? What makes a good journalist? Many things. But first of all, a deep and genuine interest in people. A person who has no interest in other people will never make a good journalist. So if you are not very interested in other people and think that most people are a bit of nuisance and you prefer not to have anything more to do with them than is necessary, journalism is not for you. Hand in hand with this interest in people, should go qualities of sympathy, open-mindedness and an inquiring mind. Sympathy: so that you can see the other side of an issue even you disagree with the person who holds it. Open-mindedness: so that you do not make hasty ill-informed judgements. Inquiring-mind: so that you can really get to the bottom of the thing you are asking about. So these are the basic qualities for a journalist, but the officially required qualifications are very different. Obviously a journalist must be well enough educated to be able to write fairly clearly in whatever language it is he hopes to work in. What about the rest of the educational qualifications for a journalist? Often it is the pupil who was fairly good at five or six subjects, and not brilliant at just one, who makes the best journalist. These sort of people are rather balanced for the sort of life a journalist leads. But of course, nobody can say exactly what the best qualifications for a career in journalism are. They will vary enormously according to the individual.
Источник: Думаю понравится. Текст об журналисте.
Помогите с текстом! Нужен легкий текст на английском о профессии журналиста или спортивного репортера!!!
What makes a good journalist? Many things. But first of all,
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Let me introduce myself, my name is (---). I was born in the (1) of February, (2014) in Kursk,